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The turning point in the information war

Перелом в информационной войне


The trouble came from not waiting. The whole military scheme of the West is bursting at the seams — and I don’t see any way that the West could fix your plight.

Indeed, as before?

The Western propaganda machine is launched in the air some outright lies: for example, about the unfortunate Slobodan Milosevic, whom the West accused of genocide and war crimes.

Further, based on this lie, the West did what he needed — staged the bombing of Yugoslavia, cut poor country into pieces, carefully warmed and kindled international role and, of course, put Slobodan Milosevic in prison.

After some time though, of course, was out. The innocence of Slobodan Milosevic, for example, was proven in March 2016:

However, in 2016 the truth about Slobodan Milosevic, who died 10 years before in one of the prisons of the West under suspicious circumstances, was already interesting to nobody. The Western media simply ignored the news about the new irrefutable evidence of his innocence.

As you can see, the elementary circuit.

1. West throws a lie.
2. West obtive their Affairs.
3. The West maintains a pause.
4. The West ignores the belated exposure of the lies.

In this scheme, now went wrong?

Now it has become extremely difficult to keep anything secret. Latest news. Unknown hackers (possibly Israeli) broke into the server of the Soros Foundation. From the letters it became clear that almost all suspected George Soros earlier, turned out to be true:

1. Soros used his human rights activities solely to cover up the dirty political machinations.
2. One of the main goals of the Soros Foundation — struggle against Russia.
3. Ukraine is directly controlled from the US.
4. “Independent” Western media are sold, and for a very modest amount.Quote:

And the last one. The most interesting letters and documents is, of course, budgets for various events. For example, from one document on budgeting, operations for improving the image of post-Maidan Ukraine in the West, we know how much it costs to attract British newspaper the guardian to the positive coverage of the topic “Ukraine — one year after Maidan”.

According to experts of the Soros Foundation, the editorial independence of the guardian costs about 100 thousand dollars and a dozen individual grants for journalists. It is not clear, it is British journalists such sleaze or Soros discount as a regular customer?Currently, structures of the West have almost lost the ability to keep their secrets. Hacked correspondence, defectors, whistleblowers, the media… the secrets are now not decades, as in the case of a hunted Slobodan Milosevic, as well if months.

Can the West somehow strengthen the security?

No, it can’t. All destructive activities of the West, all this so-called “soft power” based on very loose structures — such as “charitable” foundations, “human rights” organizations and “independent” media. This disorderly crowd can’t keep secrets — it’s too big for that.

The actors write each other letters, give orders, pass envelopes with money… created a giant plume, which is now completely impossible to hide from the outside world.

Judge for yourself — if the information is actively drained out even from us intelligence, what kind of secrecy can be expected from amorphous hangouts “human rights”? Each party is bound to be heavy drinkers dolt with password “qwerty” mailboxes with sensitive information.

Thus, the West — in the United States, especially — have been faced with the need to play in the open. In a dark room, in which a pickpocket actively looking around other people’s pockets, suddenly turned on a bright light. The pickpocket would still be some chance if he started from scratch… but that is the problem — now that everyone already knows who the thief is, and nervously watching every movement of his hands.

Now I think I will add a new section to the article “Information war” in the “Handbook patriot”:

The balance of power has changed dramatically.

Fritz Moiseevich Morgen

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