Home / World / The Turkish authorities stated that the Pope “mentality of the crusaders”

The Turkish authorities stated that the Pope “mentality of the crusaders”

Турецкие власти заявили, что у Папы Римского "менталитет крестоносцев"Turkey criticized the statements of the Pope.

The Vatican representative pointed out in reply that Francis is committed to peace between Armenia and Turkey.

The statements of Pope Francis, who called during a visit to Yerevan killings of Armenians in 1915-1917 as genocide, was summoned to the Ankara serious discontent.

“It (statements by Francis – ed.) is not an objective interpretation of events and does not correspond to reality,” – said Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey Nurettin Canikli.

Turkish politician has called the remarks the Pontiff’s “extremely unfortunate”, and his actions, a reflection of the mentality of the crusaders.”

Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi denied the words Canikli.

“The Pope is trying to wage war but to achieve peace,” said Lombardi. According to him, for Francis it is important to “build bridges, not erecting walls.”

The Pope, said Lombardi, “they did not say anything against the Turkish people,” but instead calls for the reconciliation of Armenia and Turkey.
In 2015 Pope Francis has already used the word “genocide” in relation to the killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, which also caused sharp criticism in Ankara. In protest, Turkey recalled its Ambassador to the Vatican almost a year.

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