Home / Photo report / The Tuareg: a tribe that lives by the laws of matriarchy. Photo

The Tuareg: a tribe that lives by the laws of matriarchy. Photo

Туареги: племя, живущее по законам матриархата. ФотоHere are all doing their job.

In a world dominated by men, there are only a few places, which is a matriarchy. One such place is in Africa. It is home to a nomadic tribe, the Tuareg, who managed to preserve their ancient culture, in particular, and a tradition of matriarchy. Suggest you learn what she is.

The fact that local women are allowed to have multiple lovers. In addition, adult men should wear the veil on his face. Wear it even while sleeping and eating. And this despite the fact that the Tuareg are Muslim.

Girls usually marry at age 20. In order to conquer their heart, the contenders for the hand and heart must dedicate their own poems. All men engaged in trade or protecting the territory of the tribe. Women are the keepers of cultural heritage. In short, the ethnic group of the Tuareg – a vivid example of that in society the equality of men and women achievable. The main thing – correctly to distribute duties.

Туареги: племя, живущее по законам матриархата. Фото
Туареги: племя, живущее по законам матриархата. Фото
Туареги: племя, живущее по законам матриархата. Фото
Туареги: племя, живущее по законам матриархата. Фото
Туареги: племя, живущее по законам матриархата. Фото
Туареги: племя, живущее по законам матриархата. Фото
Туареги: племя, живущее по законам матриархата. Фото
Туареги: племя, живущее по законам матриархата. Фото
Туареги: племя, живущее по законам матриархата. Фото
Туареги: племя, живущее по законам матриархата. Фото
Туареги: племя, живущее по законам матриархата. Фото
Туареги: племя, живущее по законам матриархата. Фото
Туареги: племя, живущее по законам матриархата. Фото

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