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The truth about plastic utensils

Вся правда о пластиковой посудеThat plastic under certain conditions capable of releasing is not helpful toxic compounds, known to many.

American scientists conducted a study and found that most of the harmful substances ingested by the people of plastic utensils.

But really all the dishes are harmful, and to use it strictly not allowed? In this we will try to understand.

All utensils, plastic is made from polymer materials. By themselves they are no danger can not imagine, as they are inert. But coupled with them using various dyes and additives, and compounds of these substances under the influence of, for example, hot water can break apart and get into food. There is also a danger of the dangerous chemicals in food during prolonged storage of products in plastic containers.

What is a modern plastic? This PVC, i.e., polyvinyl chloride. From this substance produced plastic bottles and disposable tableware. The material is dangerous because over time, gradually starts to produce vinyl chloride, and the substance is considered carcinogenic. The shelf life of food and beverages in plastic containers is minimal, and is one (!) week. After seven days the hazardous substance is beginning to move from plastic into drinks and food.

From all written above it follows that the use of plastic utensils only once. But how do we? Often bottles of soft drinks is not thrown away, leaving “for later” to pour water on the road, for example. In the markets of good old wholesome, home-made milk in a well washed, but previously used bottles of plastic. By the way, the healing properties of silver water (Holy water from the Church) are saved, but in glass and not in plastic containers.

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