The number of farms with recreational fishing is growing constantly, which is good. In the middle of winter, in gluhozime, anglers have the opportunity to not only get some fresh air, but also to compete with a strong trophy. Currently many scattered contempt for allegedly fishing in aquariums. This fishing has its own laws and peculiarities, and if you do not grasp the essence, you can easily not only be left without fish, but not to see even a bite.
First, a few words about the behavior of trout, which are brought from nurseries from the North and released in a completely unfamiliar to her pond. As a rule, after starting the trout instantly granted her masters territory. She begins to fight for their living space, that is, attacking every living thing moving on her way. If at this point she comes across the bait, she attacks her. Within a few minutes all the inhabitants of the pond, but the confusion quickly ends. A couple of days later the new inhabitants settled and join the herd of old-timers. If the concentration of the fish formed a mixed flock of individuals of different size.
After a few more days, the herd is divided into parts and distributed across the reservoir and form the so-called “boilers”. Localization of such boilers depends on the bottom topography, the strength and direction of the jets underwater currents created by the aerators. Typically, the greatest concentration of fish was observed at the boundary currents and areas of standing water. The locations of the fish can change very quickly, what does the change of flow and pressure from anglers. Very often, the trout is not leaving a fancy place, but will not respond to baits, if anglers are too active.
Like any predator, not just a predator, the trout are there periods of very high activity. The duration of such periods may be ten minutes, and hour. To know in advance what time it will happen is very difficult, although the overall pattern is that most likely to bite between nine and eleven o’clock in the morning.
Over the years, have developed two main hunting tactics for trout in the “Karpovich”. The first one is passive, i.e. with the use of fixed gear in the form of zherlits and rods with a nod. This tactic is good for its equipped and minimal physical cost. The main drawback may be incorrectly selected the place and the horizon catching. The bait does not play such an important role, as the choice of location.
If the place of fishing predicted correctly, it is possible to expect a bite in the morning do not have long. The bite usually happens within two to ten minutes after the bait is lowered into the hole. I note that still, for a quick bite in a new place it is better not to count because it often occurs following. Angler drills a few holes at selected locations, with the expectation that a handful of fish after some time will be here. Immediately, I note that the focus on “old” holes, but I can’t wait to nibble on them for hours makes no sense. Trout can change the route and that not less likely, to change the time. Where she was pecking yesterday morning, today the fish can appear only in the evening.
Turn to the gear. First, Gerlich. Trout fish are fairly aggressive, relatively strong, but not resistant, and, having broken its first resistance, only need to enter her head in the hole. Here the trout are fine with this turning on the spot that she sometimes has to literally drag in the hole, not paying attention to the resistance and hoping for strength gear. Therefore, it is better to choose a fishing line with a diameter of about 0.25 mm, without a leash.
Due to the fact that fishing can occur both with depth and under the ice, it is better to consider the possibility of changing sinkers. Of course, you can lift and a heavy sinker under the ice, but if a careful bite, and the trout didn’t take the bait deep, heavy sinker after release of the coil from the stopper will go down and just pull the bait out of the fishes mouth. Therefore, the sinker from the hook is located at a distance of a meter and a half, and the shepherd — 30-50 cm
In my opinion, it is better to use single hooks that depends on the type of lures that are in the process of catching have to change because of the change of tastes of trout during the day. As bait most often used boiled shrimp without shell. The shrimp is whole or as a worm, the hook is passed along the entire body of the shrimp, or bloodworms, that is, the shrimp clinging to the body about the head. In any case, the stinger hook should be removed out, since the trout not pike and compresses strongly the lure and the stinger if it is closed, empty bites will be many.
If shrimp is not, you can try to spear a piece of “crab sticks” or a strip of damp squid. In the case where in the pond the trout are large, that is, of two pounds and larger, it makes sense to use live bait. As live bait is a very good local verhovka. In reservoirs where there is bass, it makes sense to catch beneath the coast a few perch the size of a little finger.
Relatively rare as bait on the tackle used the worm and even the beam motylja. In the case of the moth noticed that it is better to stick with maggots. Better yet, use a few dried in the clear in the refrigerator eggs of salmon.
As a nozzle is a proliferation of all kinds of edible pastes with all kinds of different flavors. It is considered that more efficient and versatile pasta with a pungent smell of garlic or cheese and the smell of fish and caviar.
If you do not know what horizon now walks trout, then work downhill Gerlich better to set to bait at the half zherlits was near the bottom, whereas on the other Gerlich in polody or closer to the ice.
Fishing with imitation fish has one big drawback. The thing is that when the trout takes, she rarely swallows the bait on the move, it rarely intersect itself, and which must soon be around the tackles to get to reel in. And it often happens that a lot of bites, but no good there. Therefore, the imitation fish is better positioned at a distance of not more than 2-3 meters from each other.
Different tactics of fishing is used when fishing the bait with stroikom. There is spinning, a pointer, line, and sinker hook or a light jig-head. If you’re finding fish, tactics are very simple and fully consistent with the finding perch on the hole without bait. That is, drilled the hole, drops the snap-on meter below the ice. You need to wait three minutes, not playing bait. Then increase the descent a couple of meters or, for faster searching, you can very slowly lower the bait, simulating the free and natural fall.
But if the Parking space or aisle trout detected, tactics changed dramatically and is more reminiscent of fishing for bream on lured holes. That is, the holes at a distance of a meter or two apart are placed the rods in the amount of two to five. Moreover, the hooks all fishing rods is a lure. The slope may be different or the same, if the bites started.
The distinguishing feature of the set is the stand for the fishing rod, which is made of Board, strips of plywood or other any sturdy but not very heavy material, such as plastic ruler. The length of the strip of the stand once a year or two greater than the diameter of the hole. In the middle of the stand made the cut for the whip rods, in which the whip is included with tension.
Operating position of rod is such that spinning is pointing up at an angle of approximately 30-40 degrees. At the end of spinning is long pointer, for example, from a watch spring. The bite is very visible from a distance of even fifteen meters, but this does not mean that you can put fishing rods and walking. Trout tightens the rod to the hole, stand stands across the pit and trout or strongly intersect, or the line breaks, or comes off, but in any case, tackle you lose.