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The terrible roar of a bear

The West, in the person of his henchmen organizations for several years waging a real war against Russia and information war. A lot of countries, some of which are on the map without a magnifying glass not to find, a propaganda war at the state level, hammering in the head of the population the myth about the Russian threat. But there were times when they were considered our allies and friends.

Now we turned out to have one for the “occupation”, others – that freedom gave, and the third that didn’t allow them to disappear among other Nations, in fact, retaining their ethnicity, and some just quietly hates us for what we punctually rise from the ashes to start all over again and, as the course of world history, every time before the world begins to fall into the abyss…

Punctually be willing to check on the strength of our country, hoping to bite off a tuft of wool from the “bear”, and maybe even get to fill up the beast. Now only the stupid and lazy Western politician does not shout about the Russian threat, about the alleged Russian hackers, who unmask the false grin of so-called democracy and various alleged international structures, each of which plays with the double standards better than a real magician in the circus.

Russian athletes crushed by doping scandals, inhuman do not allow people with disabilities to the competitions, the people, each of whom has become a Champion, going through what will never be able to pass these pathetic little soul who took the decision on the disqualification. They lost, and not our Heroes! What will be the response of Russia, will show time, the scandal burglary WADA and “medications” the Williams sisters – this is only the beginning.

And then I have a question – how long are we going to pay for the work of Russophobia in various organizations that work for the destruction of the image of Russia? They will shed the negativity, accusing us of all that is possible as long as this position does not begin to affect the pocket and the reputation of every villain who opposes us.

They do not understand that all who live in Russia, each of them has the warrior spirit, the spirit of a winner, a coward – that’s the most offensive word for Russians of any nationality! We are so in a different dimension live, and have such strength of character, what is beyond their understanding, we will survive all these attacks and they will die out as mammoths, if you ever find yourself in the similar to our 90…

Thanks to the West that revealed his ugly face propaganda perverts. For the fact that imposed sanctions have given our farmers a chance to survive, and its almost ruined. For what, not letting our to the Olympics and Paralympics showed his insanity.

They never realized that he had done what we could not do ourselves – they United us! …And heard the terrible roar of a bear.

It would be easier if every Western politician never forgot one Russian saying: “Russia is Not the war begins, but she always finishes.”


I often read comments on the Arab and European resources under the articles, videos, and say – there are too many people who respect us, support in the fight against Western propaganda, and just want to be like us. Informvoyna continues and our position appeals to many.

The world has changed greatly, the world is on the brink of great change. But we are not ready, however, as always…

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