Home / Business / The surge of divorces in Shanghai: to divorce, to buy a house

The surge of divorces in Shanghai: to divorce, to buy a house

Всплеск разводов в Шанхае: развестись, чтобы купить дом

In Shanghai, the pair stood in the queue for obtaining a divorce in the local registration offices on August 27. The surge of divorces was observed immediately after the city spread the rumor that will impose new rules for buying real estate.

In the office of register of divorces Sinigang district in downtown Shanghai observed a tenfold increase in the number of people willing to get a divorce, 108 applications filed 30 Aug. Usually the number of divorce does not exceed ten per day, in accordance with the English version of the Chinese online newspaper Caixin. In the Shanghai districts of Pudong and Yangpu are also about a hundred couples filed for divorce on August 27.

Most of filing for divorce is the local residents who own one home and want to buy a second, as reported by the state media China Daily.

The real estate market reached a climax in the same period. The number of homes sold exceeded 1 000 over the three days of the date of distribution of hearing on August 26. And by 30 August rose to 2 100, according to financial news site cnstock.com.

According to rumors, changing the rules of buying property as for those who are divorced. Buyers who get divorced during the year, will be treated in accordance with their financial position before the divorce, at the beginning of September. If they divorced before the entry into force of the rules, will be treated as divorced. This status gives the divorced spouse a significant advantage.

Through a divorce a couple can transfer property to one spouse that will give another the right to apply for a lower Deposit and profitable interest rate as buying first time. Thus, couples can save 500 000 yuan (about $75,000) for 20 years.

According to the rumors, the customers home as a second property will have to pay 70% of the initial payment with a higher interest rate mortgage compared with 50% in the past. Buying first time has to pay only 30%.

Officials of Shanghai said on Weibo on August 29 at the rumors, saying that they “have not considered such a policy”. But it didn’t help. The number of people willing to divorce was so great that the offices simply couldn’t handle it and asked people to come the next day. Some district offices set a daily limit on the number of applications for divorce. In Yangpu district, for example, take 50 pairs a day.

“Thanks to the policy change in the field of real estate will be easier to buy a home after a divorce,” said the Complainant Chen, who married a year and a half ago, according to “Sina”. — At best we will enter into second marriages, when the time comes”.

Divorce for the purchase of real estate is not a new phenomenon in China. For a prosperous family divorce can mean a lower down payment and a mortgage, and for the less affluent families can also help to acquire accessible and affordable housing in addition to the house, which they already have.

In 2009, 60 couples in Datong of Shanxi province has filed for divorce to get additional housing, in accordance with the Guangzhou Daily.

Xu Change not have a place of residence in Beijing, split up with his wife in 2013, and married on the capital’s inhabitant Drink, Whether through an agent to circumvent the restrictions for non-residents to purchase housing in the capital. Xu reunited with his ex-wife a month after being agreed to a deal, in accordance with the Beijing News.

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