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The state Duma legalizes torture in favor of banks

Госдума легализует пытки в угоду банкам

No sooner festive fanfare of Victory Day and the national elite of Russia in a hurry to show his true colors. Not all “rapists, robbers and torturers of the people” brought clean water to our relentless columnist Boris Terekhov in his recent material.

We have people with sadistic and in the other branches of government – legislative. Good 4 years we laughed at them, called “the enraged printer”, made the charts in the most extravagant initiatives, deep down knowing that many of them act only as foam. And serve not for the birth of the bill of beautiful Aphrodite, but purely to divert our attention from some odious shit.

At the end of the stay in the state Duma deputies decided that the protection of Russians from the tyranny of vampires-bespredelschik, known as collectors, are not included in the scope of their duties. Good year and a half the topic of legalized racketeering procrastinate at all levels, starting with the TV program, Andrey Malakhov and Alexander Gordon, ending straight lines of the President. And things are there. The defenseless Russians, often cheating caught in the trap of microfinance organizations, experiencing all the delights of terror, with the connivance of the welfare state. Descended from somewhere in the 90s “mobsters on the payroll” day by day continue beating, rape, set on counter to bring to suicide…just the soldering iron in the anus does not pop. Although this is a favorite in troubled times practice, certainly, tried to revive somewhere in the middle of nowhere, because not on every case, we report.

At the beginning of April Vladimir Putin at the forum of the popular front in the abstract, shook his finger floppy power vertical, ordered to stop the lawlessness of collectors. Associates and the ear does not lead. The state Duma Committee on financial markets took off on Friday 13 may with the consideration of the bill on regulation of activities of banks lured “Sonderkommando”.

Heads of the relevant parliamentary group Mykola Honchar said that his colleagues were unable to agree on a number of particular cases, such as the resale of the debt microfinance organizations and pawn-shop, as well as on personal communication intelligent guys in suits, ready for knocking out debt to burn alive the elderly and children with debtors.

After this one wonders in whose interest are people calling us regularly go to the polls?

According to the different statistical reports, the Russians scored a loan of about 10 trillion rubles, issued under rabid interest. Of them 1.1 trillion – the debt is overdue by 90 days or more. That is frankly “bad” loans, which it does not have to issue, adjusted for the economic realities at those interest rates and the periods for which they were issued. In the piece equivalent we are talking about the 12.5 million loans. 5 million people are trapped in debt bondage, which is not able to repay under any circumstances. Terrible missing facts. About 3 million people have 5 credits or more, 3.5 million have a mortgage in conditions of deteriorating economic conditions and the risk of job loss. The average Russian household up to a quarter of income gives banks. 9% of the economically active population living on less than 50% of earnings, leaving the rest of the greedy wards of Elvira Nabiullina and Anton Siluanov and not only them. “Plunge” the Russians are frankly losing Scam. About 75 billion rubles the people-the winner must microscopy the organizations issuing the money under 700%…and more in debt And we lived not a good life, and the impossibility to solve the housing, transportation, and material problems existing cash, for the Minister of economic development Anton Ulyukayev declared a policy of reducing real wages and pensions, and, therefore, the growth of the debt load “skim” of the population.

No need to be a rocket scientist to understand that in the case of collectors, the state Duma worked, probably, in the interests of the banks in which well employed offspring natality representatives, who earn money on the financial problems of the population, forced to overpay for bitter life 20% or more. Reverent attitude of the Russian elite in the banking sector illustrate both the anti-crisis plan Prime Minister Medvedev. Nanose “United Russia” the lion’s share of funds to fight the recession uploads in the organization, which the Bolsheviks promised to bulldoze together with prisons. This is due to a sophisticated sadism, which affects our Duma members.

Russian nationalists and leftist radicals are simplified, as the wooden mallet, the views on the economy. For this they are criticized and ridiculed the disciples of Grigory Yavlinsky and Yegor Gaidar. But to accuse economists of the underground in the absence of logic language does not turn. The questions they ask, in spite of the difference in the understanding of politics and Economics, the same. Why is the government gladly lends to third world countries at low interest rates, forgive them debts in the tens of billions of dollars? Why domestic demand has not just stimulated, but deliberately suppressed?

But instead of answers, the state Duma without question accepts the first reading of the anti-terrorism amendment that bans travel abroad as hardened fighters that will seep back through the mountain paths of the Caucasus, but also to people who have received an official warning about the inadmissibility of actions creating conditions for committing terrorist crimes. In other words, anyone who disagreed with the actions of legislators and the government, whose position has interested law enforcement bodies.

Explorer Noteru.com Sergey Runco

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