The actor from the TV series “Soldiers” Pavel Galich in the night of Sunday, February 28, twice called ambulance because of problems with the liver. In the end, a 32-year-old actor was taken to hospital. It is reported LifeNews with reference to a source in medical circles.
According to TV channel, Galich night felt ill and called paramedics. Arrived doctors offered to hospitalize him, but the actor refused.
After this the actor repeatedly called the ambulance. “Galich complained of pain, he went to the inflammatory processes in the liver”, — said the source. This time the doctors insisted that the actor was taken to hospital. However, he refused from hospitalization, having given consent to outpatient treatment. Doctors Galich wrote a number of medical drugs and sent me home.
In addition to the film series “Soldiers” Galich also starred in the television series “Island without love”, “Hunt”, “Kings game” and several others.