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The slow-moving animals of our planet. Photo

Самые медлительные животные нашей планеты. Фото Many animals are unable to move quickly.

For survival in the harsh environment of nature and fauna, all sorts of mechanisms. The most universal of them is movement. It is used for finding food, chasing a victim, or migration in search of better living conditions. The main problem solved by the movement is an escape from danger. For some animals this is the only available protection mechanism that allows them to avoid unwanted contact.

Other species that nature has not given any good response, nor the ability to move quickly. Protected by natural shelters, camouflage, toxic substances, and high speed, they simply don’t need. These animals lead a leisurely lifestyle and moving slowly. Among them are its record for the slowest transition, and the turtle is not the only animal that is never in a hurry.

Самые медлительные животные нашей планеты. Фото

Herbivorous marsupial native to Australia almost his entire life sitting in the crowns of eucalyptus trees and feed on its shoots and leaves containing phenolic and terpene compounds. Because the tiles are extremely hard and poisonous, eating them slowly and slowly digest. Sitting on a little nutritious diet, to save energy most of the day the Koala sleeps, and if moving, at a speed of 25 mph.

Самые медлительные животные нашей планеты. Фото

Arizona agosub
In the salivary glands of the lower jaw of the Gila monster produces venom. The toxin only serves as a defensive weapon. Enter it in the sacrifice of the lizard can only when chewing, as it does not have the muscle to force the introduction of the toxin, and the movement speed is 15 mph.

Самые медлительные животные нашей планеты. Фото

Sea cow
Endangered mammals of sirens — a very large animal. Females can reach a length of 4-5 metres and weigh up to a ton. They eat only algae growing in coastal waters. To reduce power consumption the speed of their movement does not exceed 13 miles per hour.

Самые медлительные животные нашей планеты. Фото

American woodcock
The color of the plumage of a bird allows it to blend with the bushes and the undergrowth. The basis of their diet serve invertebrates and earthworms. To catch them, the bird is enough to move at a speed of 5 mph.

Самые медлительные животные нашей планеты. Фото

Laurie lead an arboreal lifestyle. On the elbow they have special glands that produce secretions, which, in combination with saliva become toxic. Animal enough to lick themselves to form an invisible “armor” against predators. In search of food they depart at night. So as not to create noise, they move slowly and cautiously, at a speed of 1.3 miles per hour.

Самые медлительные животные нашей планеты. Фото

Giant turtle
Most animals slow turtles with whom everyone loves to compare the slow people got only 5th place. A giant turtle with an average weight of 300 kg and a length of 1.3 m live about 100 years and not in a hurry, moving with a speed of 1 mile/hour.

Самые медлительные животные нашей планеты. Фото

Three-toed sloths
Sloths eat almost among the tree leaves. Due to their stiffness and low calorie to digest, sloths use bacteria-symbionts included in the composition of the microflora of their digestive tract. The process of digestion takes about a month, so the way of life of a sloth is focused on austerity energy. They move at a speed of 0.15 mph.

Самые медлительные животные нашей планеты. Фото

Although most sea stars are considered predators, this representative of the class of invertebrates no claws, no speed. For protection from enemies and prey they use skeletal education built on the principle of claws, so they have enough movement speed of 0.1 mile/hour.

Самые медлительные животные нашей планеты. Фото

Garden snail
The size of the shell of the garden snail is only 14-16 mm. in height and 19 to 21 mm. in width. The appearance of enemies, he is her refuge. They crawl at a speed of 1.4 cm/sec.

Самые медлительные животные нашей планеты. Фото

The structural features of the body make the seahorse, whose dimensions are from 2 to 30 cm, invisible among the seaweed and inaccessible to predators. They feed on small crustaceans and shrimps, and to provide themselves with food, they have the velocity of just 0.04, see sec.

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