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The Saga of wealthy Ukrainians

Сага о богатых украинцах

Ukrainians are much richer in financial terms than they think of themselves. This new and rare, by today’s standards, the news had a chance to see one of Ukrainian information resources. It turns out that Ukrainian citizens are of great treasures and not even know it.

Someone wears the treasure in your wallet, someone in the wallet, and someone is right in the pants (just do not think about the vulgarity). In General, it appears that having one coin denomination in one hryvnia 1992, you can become richer by 4,000 hryvnia. That’s as many numismatists appreciate the rare Ukrainian money. Of course, not all coins are so expensive, but still… Even one penny can be sold for 600 USD!!! At least, so say experts of the Ukrainian media.

So, apparently, Ukrainian citizens have no reason to be upset, to grieve, and to lament endlessly about poverty. Is how to peresherstit contents of his pockets and it may be that a dozen millionaires in Ukraine will be more.

It is also possible to obtain blessed the hryvnia 1992 on the change in the bus or somewhere else. And it turns out that the universal wealth of the Ukrainian people was held still, the European idea of independence was realized, and many Ukrainians finally feel themselves masters of life.

Such are, ridiculous for an adult tale, now flog the poor citizens of Ukraine, that hope never left their hearts, and the real hopelessness that awaits people in the future, not provoked the Maidan rallies and other grievances.

PS: I May be wrong and the coins of modern Ukraine can be so expensive, but I never met a coin collector who would be interested in the Ukrainian coins in General. And to be honest, I can’t imagine how it might look, this man.

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