The world has become less rich. The decrease in the number of bags noted for the first time in the last 10 years. Experts explain this by fall of world stock markets and oil prices and local economic problems in individual countries.
In 2015, the ranks of the richest people in the world, the state of each of which exceeds 30 million dollars, left more than 5.5 thousand people – three percent of all owners of the fabulous capital of the planet. As a result, if a year earlier the number was close to 200 thousand people, now only slightly higher than 187 thousand. The aggregate state of the world’s wealthy last year also decreased. In 2014, it reached to 20.8 trillion, and by the end of 2015 decreased to 19.3 trillion dollars.
These data are presented in the annual study on wealth distribution in the world The Wealth Report 2016 prepared by the international consulting company Knight Frank, together with colleagues from Wealth-X and New World Wealth. The conclusions of the authors of the study are based on survey data of 400 representatives of leading private banks and investment advisors managing billions of dollar are the assets of wealthy people in the world.
Among the main causes of mass retirement of the “League of rich people,” experts call the fall of most of the major stock indexes in 2015 in dollar terms. They note that the list of countries with the largest decrease came in Canada, Singapore and South Africa. The sharp drop in world oil prices also had a noticeable impact on the number of wealthy people in many countries of the Middle East.
While the most notable decrease in “army bags” it was observed in Latin America, Russia and CIS countries, as well as in Africa, 9 percent, 4 percent and 4 percent, respectively.
According to Sergey Gipsh, managing partner of Knight Frank, more sharp in comparison with the global level, the reduction in the number of people with big money in Russia was caused by a combination of several factors: Russia’s economic crisis, decline in oil prices and the ruble.
What’s next? Experts do not believe that the “crisis” in the ranks of the world’s fat cats will last a long time. They expect that in the next 10 years, the army of the rich will continue to grow with new recruits from three main regional “centers of wealth”: from Asia, North America and Europe. Leaders on rates of increase in the number of rich people, according to analysts, will be Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Mauritius, Mozambique, Cambodia.
In the previous decade top 10 leaders on the growth in the number of owners of large capital was headed by Mongolia, Azerbaijan and Vietnam. Russia in this ranking занимала16 place, and in the next decade is expected to move to 25th place.
Ferrari for the soul
Global prices for luxury goods – cars, antique furniture, wine and jewelry – continue to grow, but at a less noticeable pace as before. The demand is still sustainable. As can be seen from The Wealth Report 2016, the possession of luxury goods for 50 percent of the rich people is a confirmation of high status, 40 percent have invested in them for fun and only 30 percent is for diversification of assets.