Home / Policy / The policy of the liberals and “Edra” is bearing fruit: in the battle on the outskirts of Moskvabad involved up to 500 people

The policy of the liberals and “Edra” is bearing fruit: in the battle on the outskirts of Moskvabad involved up to 500 people

Политика либералов и "ЕдРа" приносит плоды: в бою на окраине Москвабада участвовало до 500 человек

Ethnic policy of the liberals, the “United Russia”, the corrupt and Russophobes, conducted since the early 90s to this day, brings a vivid fruit. Its symbol is the words of human rights activist: “If Russian beat Central Asians, it is definitely a crime on mezhnatsionalnye the soil. But if the Russian Central Asians, most likely, bytovuha”. Its tool – “Russian” 282-I article, used against dissatisfied with the impunity of atomapi.

To save the country require the suppression of corruption and ethnic mafias standard well known methods(described for example HERE), the visa regime with the refuse from integration with Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, the purification of the law enforcement structures, normalization of vessels, the implementation of the Manezh square slogan “the Law one for all!”, which is considered a liberal extremist. You must also end discrimination of migrant workers, merciless punishment for slavery and the organization of the slave trade in Russia, improvement of taxation of Russians, pushing in illegal employment, not only “hardworking compatriots”, but also a significant part of Russian citizens. To ensure domestic integration requires the reunification of South and North Caucasus Federal districts.


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