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The policy has won the sport

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All Russia is disappointed at the latest news coming from the Council of the International Association of athletics federations (IAAF). Russian athletes suspended from participation in the Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. It all happened due to the fact that the IAAF made a decision to extend the suspension of the all-Russian athletics Federation (vfla).

I think no one was left in no doubt that at the present time all areas of people’s lives are just saturated with politics. And saturated so that the political background just beyond the pale. This applies in particular to the sporting life of the society.

This whole scandal with the doping suspension of Russian athletes from participating in major international competitions – all this is the fruit of political activities. Policy has prevailed over, and as horrible as it sounded, defeated.

The Olympic champion 2004 in long jump Tatyana Lebedev, the decision of the IAAF shocked: “I thought wfla conditional leave, subject to certain rules – what we need to do something”.

But, as we see, this did not happen. Now children, juniors, and veterans will not be able to take part in the most important for their career competitions. And all because of politics. There is no other motivation… just she is. People it does not matter what kind of work did the athletes to get into such a significant international competition. These politicians are suddenly ruined the hopes not only of athletes of the Russian Federation, but also the hopes of the entire country.

I’m absolutely sure that our athletes would show a decent result as it was before, and would win in many categories. However, this will not happen. And now, after these events, we can safely say that the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro won the POLICY!

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