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The poles distort

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Recently, the Polish national defense Minister Anthony Macierewicz suggested, which for the tragedy in Volyn’, known as “Volyn massacre”, more responsible Ukrainian nationalists, and Russian soldiers. And he argued his conclusion the fact that the occupation of part of Poland by the red army soldiers in 1939, became the forerunner of the terrible events of 43-44 years.

During the great Patriotic war, when the Soviet Union fought against Nazi Germany, the soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent army (UPA) and the organization of Ukrainian nationalists (OUN) staged the genocide of the Polish population in Volyn. In the period from 1943 to 1944, Ukrainian nationalists killed an estimated 50-60 thousand poles living in this area. These events have not received historic status of genocide, though, and was christened the “Volyn massacre”.

In different years the Polish government in different ways characterized the tragic events of the second world war, but Poland always sure called the perpetrators of those brutal killings of their tribesmen for the massacre were Ukrainian nationalists from UPA and OUN. And it never one was never in doubt in Poland and in the rest of the world. Until recently…

But times change, and with them, apparently, and mores.

When the idea that the massacre in Volhynia was the NKVD, issued in Kiev , it did not surprise anyone. Especially after Rada decree Poroshenko officially recognized soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent army as fighters for Ukraine’s independence. Clearly, no-one wants to admit the blood of the slain innocent people, especially if there are no sacred ideas for which it was done.

But the fact that the same conclusion suddenly came the poles, which are known to be very sensitive to all national issues is very surprising. Brings clarity to this question another remark of Makarevicha about the fact that the revival of the Ukrainian state in the interests of Poland.

This, of course, Yes – Ukraine wants the EU and NATO, and could potentially become an ally of Poland against these companies. However, less bloody Volyn event 43-44 years, but this is not the genocide of Ukrainians over poles on the face.

In Ukraine, want to justify Bandera and bring the halo of heroism of soldiers of the UPA and OUN members. In Poland we try to deceive ourselves about the “Volyn massacre”, shifting the entire responsibility for the slaughter of poles by Ukrainian nationalists on the Russians.

History is replete with examples of attempts to reinterpret historical events or to give them a different emotional colouring. But to do it so brazenly and so corrupt as Ukrainian and Polish government officials in a situation of “Volyn massacre”, in my opinion, for the first time.

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