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The most powerful weapon of Russia

Самое сильное оружие России

Ukraine, in order to reduce the Pro-Russian and separatist sentiment, banned the screening of Russian films and TV series shot after the first of January 2014. Before that Ukraine had banned films and TV series that promote the power organs of the aggressor state.

I think in Ukraine for two years of the war did not understand the first thing about Russian TV.

Basis, the basis of this prohibition is the wrong initially. It’s not about the propaganda power structures of the aggressor state, the whitewashing of the KGB and the NKVD, the propaganda the Russian army, stories on the referendum in the Crimea, the damned redobandire in Lviv and crucified Russian boys in panties. It’s all secondary. This is the consequence. The reason is quite different.

Russian television propaganda was a powerful tool to indoctrinate society. Konstantin Ernst, Oleg Dobrodeev, Ashot Gabrelyanov — Oh yeah, these people really not get their money for nothing. Their salary they work with a vengeance.

This in the history of mankind has ever had. Goebbels had only Newspapers. I admit that if he had a TV, Germany may have been able to conquer the world. But it so happened, as it happened — the idiot box, on the effectiveness with which pales in comparison to nothing, there were only a couple of years after. As Newspapers and radio was still not enough.

The USSR was a TV. But no precepts of Goebbels. Still, the scoop, whatever it was, apparently tried to wear a mask of a positive character. We are good. We are for peace. We are against the war. We for the happiness of all people on the planet. We are for education. For equality. For the brotherhood. Against obscurantism. And let in fact that was a lie, but still on Soviet television promoted the tenets of more positive than negative.

And only in the Russian Federation the twenty-first century they met. Zomboyaschik and covenants of Paul Joseph. And gave such a shock effect that never dreamed of any supernova.

The most evil, aimed at the basest, the most animal, the most negative human emotions propaganda, coupled with the most powerful means of relaying ideas, plunged into madness, the craziness, eighty-six percent of the population of the greatest country on the planet.
It’s scary. It really was scary.

Putin’s propaganda got people from all rubbish, emptied all the bad in the good place, allowed the murder, xenophobia, bigotry, persecution, persecution, hatred, aggression, racial intolerance, planted the brains of chauvinism and national superiority, Imperial grandeur, removed inhibitions, lowered the bar almost to zero, gave the go-ahead and said all the FAS, it is now possible — and it turned out to be incredibly effective. Incredibly effective.
Were removed moral inhibitions. Cancelled action of the law. In the country, screaming about spirituality, was repealed by God, and, as izuzetno, if there is no God — then everything is possible.
No country in the world advocated nuclear war. Russia was the first. And, admittedly ,very in this propaganda successful.
Repeaters Strugatsky “Inhabited island”. We have seen their effect in nature.

This effect will be long to study — psychologists, psychiatrists, and sociologists, and anthropologists. Decades.
But we can already say for sure — the most powerful weapon which Russia has, it’s not “Iskander” and submarines. It is the idiot box. Psychotronic weapons of mass indiscriminate destruction. Negative TV propaganda. That, among other things, and even against its own population is conducted and methods of information and psychological warfare, designed and intended against the enemy. Each weapon in skilled hands and was modified and improved. To triggers that applies zomboyaschik against their own people, did not think even Goebbels.

But there is one caveat.

The fact that all of these speech Kurginyan with foam on his lips, schizophrenic delusions Kiselyov with his “nuclear ashes”, the hysterical screams of some “experts” on the program Solovyov and Tolstoy — all of them laid down on the prepared soil. They were not the first. Even they — only a consequence.
Propaganda is the result.
And the reason is ignorance.

And here we come to serials and television programs.

The best definition of the modern Russian
television I heard from my colleagues that on this very TV for a long time and worked while it’s still not completely turned into a garbage can. Even before all the wars and greats. Even before the Georgian war. Even when just stealing pots and sawed. The definition is — “govnomet”. Very accurately stated.
And his main direction was not propaganda.
Its main direction was the mental debilitation. Controlled by the mental debilitation of the population.

Educated, critically thinking society it is very difficult to manipulate. To manage the Academy of Sciences, one must be at least one notch higher than its most intelligent member. But to control the crowd, the mass, sufficient to be just a step above most stupid member of it. The conclusion was correct. Can’t run the country are smart, do-it-managed country stupid.

I’m pretty sure no krymnash would not be possible without without all these TV shows about cops, investigators, murder, kidnapping, crews, killers, corpses, the “investigation” about maniacs, rapists about children, about human flesh in three-liter jar and dill, dill, dill.
No Krymnash would not have been possible without a preliminary artillery barrage ten years in the form of “full House” and “House-2”. Oh, Yes. “The house-2”. This example of the reference vulgarity, and plant seven years in Russia the model of cattle-behavior of the lowest layers of lumpen-alcoholic, has prepared an excellent ground for the rest of the Sabbath. Kiselyov did not have to make any effort — the seeds were already lying on the plowed and preberanie brains. I think this transmission is the same then it will be a subject of study for sociologists, and anthropologists. The harm that it caused to the moral health of society, the descendants, I think, will measure decidono. Or gigagolf. Kseniya A. was not the last architect of the reality with which she now, horrified at herself, trying to fight.

This mental debilitation of the population continued for ten years. Ten years govnomet worked in full force. Ten years, the screen was filled with a product in which the sole model of communication was hatred. The only model of conversation Creek. The only model of communication with the child — or, yelling, beating. The only model of behaviour, decision making — moral idiocy. And just idiocy. The only model of development — violence. The only model problem solving — aggression and murder. The only model the actor’s face — the stupidity, the degradation. The only model of acting is hysterical. Hatred, hysteria, violence, mental retardation, moral emasculation, and murder all the same Chernukha, Chernukha, Chernukha — here and created a model of the behavior of Russian viewers. And that the vast majority of the population.
And she’s stuck. The first years still faced with the resistance of thinking people, then this model has gone like clockwork.
And on this wonderfully fertile soil and went kiselevschina.

Against this background, the whitewashing of some of the GRU — the question is the tenth degree of importance.

All these series about the next “mad”, “special forces” and what they have now is still just the all variation on the same theme of the model cattle-behavior. Changed only the scenery. Instead of the cops became soldiers. Instead of the psychopathic terrorists. But everything else remained the same — the screams, op, tantrums, violence, aggression, bad game, bad actors, and corpses, corpses, corpses.
This problem can not be solved manually. She’s too serious. Realizing its seriousness, as far as can be judged, in the world yet. The world has never encountered before. He only begins to see clearly. Just beginning to take their first steps in the development of the system of complex measures on countering the use of such a powerful instrument as television in a negative manner if it falls into the hands of power to undermine the scum — not only in Russia, in any country.

Ukraine, faced with this weapon closely, the depth of the problem, unfortunately, is also not aware of. The stated reasons for the ban — too petty. Too insignificant. And if Russia had not annexed Crimea — this is a must and it would then be possible to put into the heads of his people? And must those who attacked and do not attack the Ukraine? Yes, gonometa such as Russia TV, not built, perhaps, nowhere else in the world, but the American show with the fighters aunts live — not much better. The same propaganda model cattle-behavior. Or Erdogan, who in defiance of Putin in Ukraine is now considered a friend, and which, it seems, too, began to realize the full power of television and print zombies. And now — five years later, the niche of the propaganda of agents of the NKVD is the propaganda of the Islamic revolutionary guard? Replacement of GRU, macasero damned Chechens, spetsnaz MIT, mokashi damned the Kurds? In my opinion, so-so decision.

And the very Ukrainian TV… Every time I see the splash of news from the front, I got deja vu. Used exactly the same template that was in Russia in the cutscenes of news from Chechnya. Moreover, the template is already the time when the scrapping of television has already happened, when the moral component was discarded, and it has become a tool of earning money on the deaths, war and the dill. Tense music, the tension, the racing tank, the shot, the explosion, the soldiers on the armor, shoot the machine gunner, red streaks, red spots, stress leading face, intense eyes… And if colonial haywire the country making TV ratings and money on the deaths of their colonial citizens still fit in this twisted logic, the use of the war of liberation, using the deaths of their own soldiers defending your country from invasion to raise the rating and discharge the seamy side — is already completely not clear.
Ban govnomet neighbor-an aggressor, and at the same time to get out of there engineers and mechanics and start building your own according to the same patterns — logic, in my opinion, quite well, so oryginalna.

Summing up.

Ukraine cannot win the war without the establishment of information sovereignty. It’s obvious. This axiom, as the power of television, Mr Putin understood perfectly. That is why the first thing coming to power, he defeated the NTV and ORT. That is why the first thing coming to the Crimea, he is dragged there mobile repeaters on the “gazelles”.

I don’t know whether that fixes this problem technically. Maybe you need to constantly spray into the air aluminum foil. Maybe apply the EW system. Maybe something like that. I do not know. But it is clear that the power to return occupied territories back under your control will not make sense without the establishment of these territories information sovereignty and ending the influence of television zombies aggressor in the head of the population. The area remains for those who are loyal population is the basis. And the quality of the population of these territories is such that it is easily susceptible to brainwashing.
That’s the real problem that now faces Ukraine.
And not the films produced after January 2014.

By the way, the fifteenth in winter I sat in Lviv in the cafe and with a strange sense of unreality watched at the next table sat returned from the ATO fighters, and over their heads was on TV all the same of a regular series about the adventures of Russian special forces in Chechnya. And, what is most striking, this oxymoron, it seems, was not summoned to this restaurant of rejection from anyone except me. Has become boring. Already naturally. Already, then, took its area in the head and here in the “den of Bandera”.

Television can be a powerful weapon and a powerful educational tool. The motto of the BBC — to educate, to inform, to entertain. To form — in the first place. To entertain — at last. And fun often comes through education
Instead of “Mad adventures” in cafes should be Discovery Science, National Geographic and Animal Planet. Each of iron sound. Prime time is built on black patterns of the news have to be Stephen Hawking. And in “good night kids” — Michio Kaku.

And, of course, this tool needs to be under full public control. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with freedom of propaganda. And even more misanthropic. In the most affluent countries with the lowest number of murders — the most boring TV. Nothing more boring TV Switzerland I am in my life have not seen. I think there is a direct correlation.

In General, neighbors, all who are with us are not lucky — chase this Russian govnomet everywhere, always, and wherever possible around the perimeter. Put each gunner, throw the squares with lines-stories about migrants raped the girl. Chase rags and close the entry to all the porters of ammunition with “life-news”. Block and departurethe office “rush-Today in full force.

It’s a weapon. It is a fact to be realized. And the system of counteraction to it in the future should be developed.
Julius Streicher was not in vain found guilty in Nuremberg.
Make the main discovery channel.
And the country itself will have changed in ten years.

PS: This text was written before the events with Savik Shuster and does not have any relation to it.

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