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The most incredible conspiracy theories

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Inquiring minds are not accustomed to live without work. They are struggling to analyze reality, trying to unravel its dark mysteries. And, sometimes detecting them in the most unexpected places. Let’s find out what other sinister secrets of our lives, he managed to unravel the conspiracy, reports the Chronicle.info with reference on the Chips.

The Titanic sank deliberately

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And anyway, it wasn’t the Titanic and its twin brother, the “Olympic”. Marseille suffered in a collision with another vessel, and to obtain insurance, the owners secretly replaced the ship and sank it along with the passengers. Yeah, if we still explain where lost a true “Titanic”, the theory would have looked more convincing.

Denver airport — staff-apartment of a mysterious secret society

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Denver airport — staff-apartment of the mysterious secret society Conspiracy theories, creepy mysteries, riddles, conspiracy theories
It’s all about the beautiful frescoes that adorn the Denver airport. People slightly familiar with the principles of the contemporary art, it is believed that in this way could indicate the place of its presence exclusively some sort of secret sect — whether the ancient sect of the Illuminati, or the clandestine society of the Nazis. Proponents of the latest version lead another proof: if you look closely,the building of the Denver airport from the air resembles a swastika.

Willy Wonka is a serial killer

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The hero of the famous film “Charlie and the chocolate factory”, the eccentric Willywonka — not eccentric magician, but a real serial killer. But the main positive hero, the boy Charlie, at the end of the story isn’t gets in the tale, and goes mad, because the children’s psyche is not able to digest the brutal murder that took place literally in front of the boy.

Now is not 2016, and 1719 year

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The phantom time hypothesis States: the Holy Roman Emperor Otto III wanted to the era of his reign included the 1000th year after Christ that she faked all contemporary historical records, eventually sliding time almost three centuries to come. How did he do it? And if the early middle Ages fiction from beginning to end? The explanation of the supporters of the theory redundant, but contradictory.

During accidents and terrorist attacks as bystanders shoot the actors

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And this, mind you, not a professional flaw of the film, and purposeful state policy aimed to control the information flowing to citizens with blue screens. In the US the proponents of this theory have already made an impressive photobase such “false witnesses” and every day it Supplement.

The universe began last Thursday

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A supporter of the “theory of last Thursday,” saying that all our memories and understanding of the world, including personal biography, the history of mankind and the whole Universe might have been created quite recently — say, last Thursday, and, therefore, are a fiction from beginning to end. However, the main proof for the proponents is the fact that the reverse — that is, the truth of reality, is to prove, in principle, impossible.

The government sprays in the sky chemistry to control the citizens

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The proponents of this theory claim that the aircraft contrails in the sky — not the exhaust steam, and traces of the chemicals the government sprays over towns and villages, and which stifle the will and mind of the citizens. In the end, we become less critical and more obedient. Chemists, however, the existence of substances with a similar action, operating on such vast distances, I know nothing. So what? Enough is know about them conspiracy theorists.

Details of the same story, each person perceives differently because of the fact that there are many Universes

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It’s simple: there are many Universe, in each of which events occur slightly differently, and when we find ourselves at the point of their intersection, happen little domestic embarrassments. The proponents of this theory call it the “Mandela effect”. As they say, when Nelson Mandela was in prison, many people were convinced that he died, and remembered his death quite vividly. I wonder if any of them are those who now believes that Mandela in prison?..

Paul McCartney died in 1966, now it is double

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Proponents of the theory claim that after the death of the real McCartney in the accident were conducted a look-alike contest, and the unhappy Paul was secretly replaced by a policeman from Birmingham. They also say that the rest of the Beatles at first agreed to participate in the deception, but then, having repented, began to leave the audience many clues in his songs and on the covers of CDs. Look online — there are adherents of this version in detail explain how it is encrypted information about the death of McCartney on the original cover of the album “the lonely hearts Club named Sergeant pepper”.

The CIA conducts secret program, testing on criminals chemicals that help to knock them out of recognition

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This conspiracy theory is probably the most controversial of all. On the one hand, the existence of programs on mind control like “MK-Ultra” — a reality discussed even in the us Congress. On the other hand, are criminals, even in the hands of justice, criminals and terrorists do not hasten with self-exposure. A question arises whether chemists have the CIA incompetent, or the appropriate program is not as scary and dramatic as trying to argue the conspiracy theorists?

The aliens are trying to communicate with us using a giant geometric shapes in the fields

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Similar figures appear in the fields regularly. Sometimes, the concerned public quickly finds wits, who decided to play a joke on the neighbors in such a laborious way. But sometimes the instant solution is found, and the lovers of flying saucers immediately explain what is happening by the actions of the aliens, who in such a strange way trying to find a common language with humans. Of course, no single explanation can be discounted, and yet, it seems, a highly developed civilization could try to speak to us the language more understandable and logical.

The earth is hollow, and within it the lives of other people

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This theory seems to have more than a thousand years. And yet still she has supporters. Some particularly stubborn conspiracy theorists still continue to seek entrance into the inner world in the Antarctic ice, but so far unsuccessfully.

Fluoride, added to tap water make the population more docile

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This theory is very popular. There is a whole organization, a lot of years advocating against water fluoridation as a means of brainwashing the masses. However, logical proof of this theory yet, except the main thing: why add something to the water, if not sinister purposes?

Landing Americans on the moon rigged

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This theory is just confirmed by numerous facts, from a waving flag, stuck in the lunar soil (where the airless void of the moon wind?) to directions on stills from the Stanley Kubrick film “2001: a Space Odyssey,” almost one to one repeats the famous lunar shots. With such abundant evidence supporters of this theory, it seems, is not persuaded.

The Kennedy assassination at the hands of the American government

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Not so long ago historians faced with literally seconds to all connected with the murder of President Kennedy, stated: shortly before the assassination of the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald met with representatives of the American political establishment, but it is something so mean! However, supporters of a different version of the claim that Oswald met with representatives of the Soviet intelligence, as some believe proved his contacts with the representatives of underground extremist groups. In General, the impression is that If Hari Oswald, as Figaro, was required literally all of America. And with whom and what he agreed to — everyone decides on his own.

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