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The Ministry of health is instructed to check the hospital where 9 patients blind

Минздрав поручил проверить клинику в Москве, где 9 пациентов ослепли

TFR began pre-investigation checks, the results of which the decision on excitation of criminal case

In scientific research Institute of eye diseases named after Helmholtz, where nine patients have completely lost vision after injections of the drug “Avastin”, began the inspection on behalf of the Minister of health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova. This was announced by the Director of the Department of public health & communications Ministry of health of Russia Oleg Salagay.

Roszdravnadzor has started checking in the Institute after the information about the affected patients appeared in the media, reports the website НТВ.Ru.

“In connection with the advent of information about the complications in applying the drug “Avastin” in the Institute of eye diseases named by Helmholtz Russian health Minister Veronika Skvortsova was instructed the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of health to inspect on the given fact” — quoted by TASS Salaga.

Russia’s investigative Committee began preliminary examination on the fact of loss of vision patients one of the Moscow ophthalmological clinics. By results of check will make a decision about excitation of criminal case.

The investigation will conduct a survey of clinic staff, including officers, who are responsible for the acquisition and storage of drugs. “Will be established in all patients who may harmed, assigned the necessary forensic studies to determine extent of injury and the study of the chemical composition of the medicinal product”, — quotes the TV channel “360” message of the Ministry.

According to preliminary information, in vials of medicine, proved dangerous infection.

Media reported earlier that in scientific research Institute of eye diseases. Helmholtz after injection of the drug “Avastin”, which is designed for protection of the retina from the bundle, nine people have totally lost sight of.

“Avastin” — domestic analogue of one of the imported drugs. Injections of this expensive drug is made only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The majority of victims — inhabitants of the Russian regions.

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