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The mean maximum human lifespan

Определена средняя максимальная продолжительность жизни человека

American doctors have determined the average maximum length of human life. Devoted to a study published in the journal Nature, and briefly about it reports the edition EurekAlert!

The maximum average human life span (that is, maximum life span, averaged over all longevity of the Earth) is 115 years. The absolute limit of human life, according to the findings of scientists, is 125 years. The probability that a person will live longer than that, is 0.0001 percent.

To such conclusions experts have come, analyzing the rate of improvement in the quality of life of people in XX and early XXI centuries, and the dynamics of life expectancy. According to scientists, approximately in the 1990-ies on the planet, the average maximum life span ceased to grow, despite a continuing increase in the quality of life.

According to scientists, further progress in the treatment and prevention of infectious and chronic diseases can increase the average but not maximum lifespan.

The oldest that ever lived people on Earth, whose dates of birth and death officially confirmed was the Frenchwoman Jeanne calment, who died in August 1997. She lived 122 years, 5 months and 14 days.

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