Although Sevastopol still serious problems with water and light, city officials bought luxury cars and flowers for the millions of rubles. Experts are convinced that the main reason for this ugliness is the lack of control.
On the website “public Procurement” the city government posted information about finding a company that will do travel arrangements Governor of Sevastopol Sergei Menyailo and his team in Moscow and the Moscow region in the period from April to December. Travel officials in the Metropolitan region of Sevastopol will cost the Treasury to 6.58 million. For the convenience of the officials of Sevastopol will require Executive cars (finished leather Lounges, heated seats, electrically adjustable seats, climate control, etc.).
Also the city government announced a tender for delivery in the current year 8500 large carnations, 300 bouquet “of different varieties”, 10 baskets of 50 thousand carnations and three red roses. For “flower production” the city authorities are planning to upload from the local budget of 1 million 86 thousand.
In the city there was a scandal in local media, legislators and social activists protested in the country crisis, and in Sevastopol the situation is almost catastrophic – still serious shortages of water and electricity, roads destroyed. Officials, meanwhile chic, they not only luxury cars bring, but also bouquets for a million. Remembered that last year, city officials already “rolled” around the capital by almost 6 million rubles, and the country flew on all 12 million roubles. At the expense of the local budget, of course.
However, orders for luxury cars and roses with carnations, despite all the public outcry from the website “public Procurement” has not disappeared.
Sevastopol portal “Outpost” noted that in the neighboring region – the Republic of Crimea, where the situation is no better than Sevastopol, bureaucrats generously provide themselves with transport at public expense.
Vice-President of the international organization for the fight against corruption Transparency Interna-tional Elena Panfilova believes that “Sevastopol leaders immediately copied the actions of heads of other regions of their new homeland. It should be noted, can even the leaders of those regions where the situation is worse than in Crimea. There are, of course, we have regulatory authorities, the same chamber, but such expenses they don’t pay attention”.
“In addition, we have virtually eliminated all forms of public control. Almost gone and the bold of the media”, – concluded the expert.
Member of the Council on human rights under the RF President, the Chairman of public organization “national anti-corruption Committee” Kirill Kabanov believes that Sevastopol leadership would do well to curb the appetite. “In almost all States such privileges – VIP transport and so on – is a very limited number of officers. we have developed a radically different picture. But, whatever it was, the heads of regions are obliged to understand that now is not the time for expensive cars and flowers for a million”.
Chief specialist of the press service of the government of Sevastopol Tatiana Gorbachev replied “NO”, which has no information on which city government took rent cars and buy flowers for many millions of rubles.