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The main rules of buying fresh vegetables and herbs

Главные правила покупки свежих овощей и зелениSelection of fresh fruit and vegetables is not easy, especially during the cold season.

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a nutritious and healthy diet.

At the same time, the health benefits of many of them is questionable: fruits and vegetables are often contaminated with pesticides. These substances are classified as probable carcinogens to humans, toxic poisons, is fraught with damage to the nervous and endocrine systems of the human body.

One solution is to buy certified organic products, but it’s just not an economically viable option for the vast majority of families: organic products are generally more expensive and not always available. Fortunately, you can reduce the harmful effects of pesticides if thoroughly wash before use.

In addition, greens, fruits and vegetables are perishable products that should be fresh. What you need to pay attention to when choosing such products?

Buy seasonal vegetables and fruits: they are, as a rule, reach the best quality and prices in peak season. Checking for freshness: look for characteristic signs of freshness such as bright, vivid colors and elasticity. Do not buy just because of low price.
Take into consideration the amount you’ll spend.

Do not buy wholesale – nutrient content during storage will rapidly decrease. Avoid rot and spoilage. This is stupid and harmful – to spend a penny to buy fresh fruits and vegetables affected by bacteria.

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