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The main factors that trigger obesity

Названы главные факторы, провоцирующие ожирение Weight depends on many factors.

An unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of sugar and sweet food are the main instigators of the development of obesity, said British experts headed by cardiologist Aseem Malhotra.

Experts note that the public is informed mistakenly believed that obesity is associated with sedentary lifestyle. Along with sugar, among the main causes of obesity called low physical activity, Smoking and alcohol consumption.

Doctors say the obesity epidemic has erupted in the last 30 years, despite a slight change in the level of physical activity.

“This confirms the assumption that an expanding waistline is directly connected with the type and number of calories consumed,” notes Malhotra.

On the pages of the British journal of Sports medicine” doctors confirmed that “false perception” causes of obesity is due to corporate marketing, which popularitybut confectionery giants following the example of the tobacco industry.

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