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The lucky alcoholics in the history of mankind. Photo

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It’s nice to drink something hot in a decent campaign once or twice a month. But what about those who are really addicted to alcohol? It is often said that alcoholics don’t make any real contributions to the society. However, the list below can be a great argument to argue with that.

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15. Ernest Hemingway
Classic of American literature and author of the famous “For whom the bell tolls” and “old Man and the sea, uncle ham was equally known for his passion for drink, and literary gifts. However, in conversation he persistently denied the existence of the dependence. To completely surrender to her he could while living in Cuba, where he enjoyed a variety of cocktails. They say that Bloody Mary was invented it! Who knows…

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14. Vincent Van Gogh
One of the passions of van Gogh was a very strong alcoholic drink absinthe. As they say, he drank it regularly and suffered not only widely known to the public mental illness and alcoholism. His diet consisted mainly of coffee, cigarettes and booze.

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13. Stephen King
Stephen king is one of the most prolific authors of his time, more than 350 million books which, to date, sold around the world. Many of the characters of the king, for example, Jack TORRANCE in the Shining, struggling with a drinking problem – and in this case the art depicts the life. Fortunately, all your family king to kill (yet?) not tried, but he admits that the problem exists. Most of his most successful books have been written in a state of intoxication, and, according to him, he is even afraid that not able to work in a fully sober.

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12. Lord Byron
George Gordon Byron is one of the best poets who ever saw this world, and one of the leaders in the art of romanticism in the 17th and 18th centuries. Lord Byron is known for his sexual escapades (both women and men), and also addiction to alcohol. He especially loved to drink strong drink from your favorite Cup – it may sound horrible, but she was made of… human skulls.

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11. Queen Elizabeth I
Lady Elizabeth Angela Margaret Bowes-Lyon, the mother of the current Queen of England, Elizabeth II, was the wife of king George VI shown in the famous film “the King’s speech. Beloved British Queen mother became something of a national icon. However, this does not prevent her to be an ordinary person with ordinary vices: the stories at least 8 times a day, it was applied to alcohol – it could be wine, vodka and even good old pint of beer. Despite all the myths about people suffering from alcohol dependence, Elizabeth I happily lived to be 101.

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10. Nero
Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Roman Emperor from 54 to 68 years of the new era, was the force that was required to be considered, in order to survive. Nero is one of the most crazy and frightening figures of Roman history. Many of the Roman emperors in history, I constantly indulge their passions, but Nero succeeded in this more than anyone else – and became famous for his drunken orgies.

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9. Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse was one of the greatest musical talents of the 21st century; perhaps this voice as the one that was with her, we will not hear. Addiction to alcohol and drugs began at Amy from an early age, and it eventually killed her: at the age of 27 Winehouse died from alcohol intoxication, in 5 times exceeding the maximum permissible dose.

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8. Billie Holiday
Another singer on this list, the owner of one of the Golden voice of American jazz – Billie holiday. Drugs and alcohol, which she started from a young age with a difficult childhood, has seriously hindered the development of her career. Because of dependencies, her voice began to weaken, and she had to stop playing; eventually addiction took the best of her, in 1959, she died from cirrhosis of the liver.

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7. Boris Yeltsin
A legendary figure of the 1990s, former Russian President Boris Yeltsin also suffered from alcoholism. He is known not only for appearing in public drunk, but drunken antics – such as “drumming” on the head of the President of Kyrgyzstan Askar Akayev.

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6. Alexander The Great
The founder of one of the greatest empires in the history of mankind, who created it at the age of 30, Alexander the Great is considered one of the best military commanders of all time. There are legends about it – including his love for a rich drink. According to chroniclers, he was able to stab a friend in a drunken brawl after peacefully drank with him all night. His death is also associated with alcohol. Perhaps he is the greatest drunk in the world!

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5. Mel Gibson
Gibson is notorious not only numerous sexist statements, but also sad episodes related to alcohol and drunk driving. He started drinking when he was 13 years old, and it has evolved into addiction, addiction, alcoholics anonymous meetings, clashes with the police and rehab.

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4. Edgar Allan PoE
Edgar Allan PoE is perhaps one of the most gloomy figures in the list, an American writer, known for the “black” prose. He was suffering from severe alcoholism and opium addiction. Alcohol was his main Vice and led to his untimely death at the age of 40 years – he died from alcohol poisoning under mysterious circumstances.

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The representative literature of the “beat generation” writer Jack Kerouac is known for his novels “on the road” and “the Dharma bums”. Kerouac always wanted to enjoy a couple of cocktails, and also suffered from problems with drugs and often wrote about his antics while intoxicated. Increasingly Kerouac appeared in public drunk – including in the television show in 1968. He is known as the author remarks, “As a Catholic, I can’t commit suicide, but I can get drunk vusmert”. When the body of Kerouac ceased to stand his bullying – he actually drank himself to death!

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2. Dean Martin
Difficult to find photos of crooner Dean Martin without a cigarette in his mouth and alcohol or women in close proximity; this star has a reputation in society. He and his friends Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis, Jr. was a company that always wanted to drunk party. Martin claimed that he drinks because his body needed the alcohol.” However, many have argued that, even when the surrounding was already in a frenzy, he remained sober because the cocktail was more juice than alcohol. Now that he has died from lung cancer, we’ll never know.

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1. Betty Ford
Yes, the one Mrs. Ford, who was the first lady of the United States, wife of President Gerald Ford, from 1974 to 1977 During this period at Betty Ford as a whole has developed a good reputation – especially in connection with the support of feminist values, but also in connection with its painful dependencies. In the fight against alcoholism and addiction to stronger substances Betty Ford founded the clinic to solve such problems. She died of natural causes in 2011.

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