Home / Economy / The loss of the Baltic States: Estonia waiting for the “Crimean scenario”?

The loss of the Baltic States: Estonia waiting for the “Crimean scenario”?

Гибель Прибалтики: ждет ли Эстонию "крымский сценарий"?

Russian Ambassador to Estonia Aleksandr Petrov said that after the outbreak of civil war in Ukraine from the Crimea has a chance to choose their own path and to “say his word, as expressed in the referendum”. However, the Ambassador stressed that such a scenario is impossible in the Baltic States, despite the fact that there is a difficult economic situation which will exacerbate the failure of the Russian transit through the Baltic countries. Correspondents iReactor asked an expert Vladislav Ginko to predict how events can develop in the Baltic States given the difficult economic circumstances.

“The reunification of Crimea and Sevastopol with Russia will go down in the history books as the restoration of historical justice. Moreover, it will be a textbook example of how the Russian leadership has extended a helping hand, in fact — have saved hundreds of thousands of residents from the rink of lawlessness which began to create those who have seized power in Kiev in February 2014.

Vladimir Putin will go down in history as the man who saved hundreds of thousands of lives of the Crimean people from almost certain death. Of the details of these events remain classified as “top secret” for many years, however, and that is known to the General public, gives the right to say that otherwise Moscow at the moment to do just could not. Can repeat something like that? The question remains open, however, it is worth noting that the reunification of Crimea and Sevastopol with Russia was held in full compliance with the canonical rules of international law, which Moscow has followed and should always

The same applies to those requests that sound from a number of countries on admission to the Russian Federation. It is obvious that against the background of global instability and collapse of the old world order, the flow of such requests will only increase, and here’s why. Against the backdrop of crumbling European Union and the stalled U.S. economy, Russia is gaining greater credibility in the world. Every day “political capital” Moscow is rising sharply and is more expensive than any other asset.

The Russian leadership expressed sympathy in an increasing number of countries, where the will appreciate, shutter speed, and the line to defend the interests of their own state, which has consistently pursued by President Vladimir Putin.

It is no secret that the world’s politicians like that just yet. The authority in the world, which Russia won thanks to the policy of Putin, much more expensive and strategically more important than even the losses, not their fault, suffered by the country in the face of US sanctions and the EU. The result of this policy of the Kremlin against the background of the decline of the authority of the leadership of Western countries is becoming the crystallization of new economic relationships in the world are the new way to build a fundamentally new financial infrastructure of the world without the hegemony of the us dollar”.

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