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The last battle of America

Последняя битва Америки

Washington is preparing for a military confrontation for the preservation of the global hegemony. So it is possible to interpret the statement of the head of Pentagonese Carter that by 2020, 60% of all foreign naval and military-air forces of the USA will be based in the Pacific ocean.

“The Ministry of defence directs the additional tens of thousands of troops. We are committed to placing in the Asia Pacific region by 2020, 60% of its naval and air forces stationed abroad… We started redeploying marine corps by transferring from point of concentration on Okinawa in the additional point in Australia, Hawaii and GUAM,” said Carter, speaking to troops in California.

Why the United States needs troops in the Asia-Pacific region, and even in such numbers? And against whom can they be addressed?

It is obvious that the reason for all the growing power of China. At the same time, we can conclude that China in Washington is considered a major threat, not Russia and not Ebola. This is not surprising.

There are some interesting conspiracy theories about that the influential financial Rothschild family has long worked on the translation of their assets in China. In support of this version, given the facts of meetings with Chinese leaders with the British, the transfer of Hong Kong under the jurisdiction of Beijing (stock exchanges and banks on the island remained). And soon we are waiting for the culmination of the struggle of the Rothschilds to the Rockefellers who want to keep world leadership for the United States.

But even if we discard all the conspiracy theories and do not go into details of relationship financial groups, it is impossible not to see the obvious — the stagnation of the West and the rapid development of East.

At purchasing power parity, China’s GDP surpassed US GDP in the last year. At face value this should happen just a few years. The US have huge external debt, and financial system based on the dollar is not based so much on real assets, as at the very faith in the dollar.

But the main thing is. China more than the United States population in four times, and there is nothing wrong with that of GDP it will have a little more.

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