Home / Business / The first film festival about people with mental features: 6 October kicks off the show Doku-MENTAL”

The first film festival about people with mental features: 6 October kicks off the show Doku-MENTAL”

Normal people – who are they? What criteria society defines “normality” of a person? Than live with those who differ from the majority, and perceives the world differently? Possible adaptation of these “others”, “foreign”, “strange” individuals to what is considered normal? How to establish communication between “normal” and “abnormal” members of the same human society? In the framework of the Congress “Mental health person of the XXI century” in parallel, will host the first film festival devoted to people with mental features.

The first film festival about people with mental features: 6 October kicks off the show Doku-MENTAL”

“DOKU-MENTAL” – view games and documentaries addressing the thorny issue of “normality” in different ways. In the program – two of classic Hollywood movie and seven works of non-fiction from Russia, Europe and the USA. “Factory of dreams” looks at the problem with a lot of optimism, not avoiding and inspiring art of fiction: not every autist has an incredible ability of the hero “rain Man” – a moment to determine the number of fallen toothpicks on the floor. And the legendary “Forrest Gump” is one of the main tales of the twentieth century. Documentaries are only concerned with the truth, they are tougher, but no matter how hard it had their heroes, the authors of these paintings are not inclined to pessimism. You can understand each other. We need to help each other. And if there is indisputable norm, it is the constant need for mutual adaptation and communication.

The festival in the documentary film center will host screenings of such films as “Animated life” by Roger Ross Williams (prize of the Sundance film festival for best Director), “Gary Numan: Android in La La Land” Kind of Steve and Rob Alexander, “Fly from the rails; Adam Irving, “don Juan” Jerzy sładkowski, “wizard Mode” Nathan Grillo and Jeff Petri, “Why am I here,” Daria Sidorova and “If I was” Zhenya Berkovich and Alexander kashcheeva.

The festival opens with a new format of discussion – after each show in the hall will be an open discussion in which the audience along with well-known critics and experts in psychiatry will be able to analyze the characters and their perception of the world. Their participation in the project was confirmed by Anton Dolin, Andrew Plakhov, Alice, taiga, and others.

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