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The farm before the rebellion

Хутор перед бунтом

A significant event in Ukrainian politics after three years of work, the American Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt leaves Kiev. Behind this informal head of the “square” – a coup, bringing to power an oligarch Poroshenko-Waltzman, participation in the organization of the war in Donbas and defeat high-tech industries and science. With him and his submission to key posts in the new government system or put the Ukrainians, managers of U.S. firms, even U.S. citizens, either visiting guest performers like Saakashvili. Thousands of people are imprisoned without trial, hundreds were missing.

For the official farewell Payette, breaking the tradition, personally appeared to Poroshenko. Usually for an audience with the American curator Sam ran ukroprezident. In the last days in the Ukrainian capital Payette spoke with Ukrainian Minister of defense Poltorak, who said: “the Greatest support for Ukraine’s armed forces receive from the United States, and I will not be mistaken if I say that this is your huge personal achievement”. Payette, in turn, promised that Ukraine is not left alone in the struggle with the enemy.”

However, the mission of the Payette in the Ukraine ended in failure, though not completely his fault. The strategists, who wrote the script for “revolution gidnost”, don’t infer from the “orange disgrace” 2004-2005, and most importantly – did not understand hamlet fact of Ukrainians, which is not able on their own to break the vicious circle, composed of hatred for everything Russian, its failure and the instinct of self-destruction. Certainly part of the goals of the “Ukrainian project” was achieved and concludes with the final destruction of the Soviet system on the borders with Russia formed “hot spots”. However, to establish full control over the entire vast territory of the former Ukrainian SSR to the organizers and executors of the project and failed.

Started under the new regime of destruction may not be fully functional, but the state institutions has led to the emergence of management alternatives. The regions still controlled by the clans, oligarchs and their subordinate groups, who pointedly ignore the power of “Kiev”. The people of Ukraine, regardless of their national identity, knock down all the targets: Russia now enemy, at the same time, which seemed so near and dear Europe indifferently rejects their failed state, IMF and the United States do not fulfill earlier promises.

Inside broken into pieces nedogosudarstva scattered production, falling living standards, rising unemployment, murderers, who shot the “heavenly hundred”, not caught, corruption is never defeated. The population loses perspective and the meaning of life: according to sociologists, only 6.6% of respondents believe that the goals of the Euromaidan have been achieved and the “square” has a prospect of successful development. With 20 million of Ukrainians feel betrayed and West, and the government.

Today the Ukrainians to raise the large-scale political protest has no broadcast promises of a bright future, as it was in 2004 and 2013. The protests have become a small-town, hamlet, affecting only a specific object or separate territory. Even a civil war in the Donbas, many are already treated as a “private matter Poroshenko, supplying the salary of a private army.” Or take, for example, the recent Ukrainian riots “events in Odessa around Antitrypanosomal Maidan”, “amber war,” Lutsenko, the Prosecutor General’s office demanding the release of murderers of Elder, collision “volunteer battalions” and the police have Obolonsky district court in Kyiv. Such parochial “riots” are becoming more and extinguish them more difficult. The national guard units scattered throughout Ukraine, and on the front they were sent is also possible to “quench the riots”.

Meanwhile, unbridled aggressiveness was in Ukraine a normal, daily reports appear of attacks, bombings, shootings. MIA hides the statistics, but we know that in 2015 compared with 2013, 100% increase in the number of crimes involving firearms, 56.1% – serious crimes, 50% of crimes against public safety, 25% of assaults. The Ukrainian population stunned by their own impunity, the new government cannot and does not want anything to oppose this, and guilty in all that happens, the American curator, meanwhile, is losing business to his successor, or rather, successor.

It became a kind of Marie Yovanovitch from a family of Russian emigrants, graduated from Princeton and the National war College. She has worked as a Deputy U.S. Ambassador in Kiev in the early 2000s. Popularity was gained by the fact that first raised the issue of violation by Ukraine of sanctions against Iraq in connection with the sale of Saddam Hussein’s party radar systems “Kolchuga”. It also actively developed the “Gongadze case”, directly threatening President Kuchma. And for what reason would threaten Madam Jovanovic coming out, the President Poroshenko will soon become clear.

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