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The evil President and a good President in the Russian society

Злой президент и добрый президент в российском обществе

It has long been noticed in the Russian media suddenly went to the turn in the direction of Yeltsin and the 90-ies. If before all the press called Yeltsin a great reformer, a man who gave impetus to the Russian freedom and democracy, and the 90 establishment of market relations and forging companies from the Soviet bourgeois, now just believe how much Yeltsin falls out of hatred, dirt and mud. What of those who recently sang his praises. And I thought, and what it suddenly? Did the crowd saw the light and realized his criminal act and are ready to repent? But a little digging in the logic realized-it is something quite different. Do you think any of them regrets the collapse of the Soviet Union sympathizes with those who lost their homeland is the Soviet Union? No, you guys. It’s more like “bad COP and good COP”. The liberals and Democrats of all stripes now need to keep the authority of their President, for them it begins to smell “kerosene”. And they hold this authority today is due to the fact that compared to the bad Yeltsin and Putin good.

I think that the Russian government really so bad that he has to even go on such a victim as an admission of guilt for the collapse of the Soviet Union, substituting while his former bosses. If you look closely, you can see that all the negative about Yeltsin, fall in the Russian media, continued funding and construction of museums and centers in his name. All his companions and followers successfully thrive and uiat people life. And even more. Now his followers quietly erect monuments to the enemies of the Soviet Union (Soviet Russia), hung on the house major cities memorial plaques, make films, write poems. Songs and write great scientific papers.

I think Peter took off the Board Mannerheim? Wrong. She will come back surely in place. Just not yet time.

That’s all that I wanted to say about it.

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