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The doctors called another harm of fast food

Врачи назвали еще один вред от фастфуда Fast food affects mental abilities.

There is probably no in the scientific world, not a single information about the use of fasfuda. For anybody not a secret that fans of fast food like no other at risk of developing obesity. And overweight a lot of health problems, and cardiovascular disease, and diabetes type II diabetes, and some types of colon cancer, and more.

Currently, British scientists have proved scientifically that fast food and junk food have a negative impact on human intellectual activity. Experiment with a length of ten years, showed that people suffering from obesity lose the year the intelligence and memory.

The study involved 6,000 volunteers in the age group from 35 to 55 years. All participants of the experiment for ten years, regularly took tests on memory and various indicators of mental activity. While in the culinary preferences of volunteers is not limited, by his own admission, many of them did not disdain fast food.

At the end of the study it has been found that volunteers suffering from obesity, much faster showed deterioration of results of tests of mental alertness. The researchers suggest that the decline in mental performance, most likely due to increased content of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.

The researchers agree: “… we are not talking about the progressive dementia of people, not restricting yourself to eating. They just age faster. This means that their memory and mental capabilities deteriorate faster than people who lead a healthy lifestyle.”

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