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The difficult road to peace

The difficult road to peace
Трудная дорога к мируUntil the last moment made me think about the victory of Donald trump seemed fantastic and mind game, unrelated to reality. But this morning denied wrong 99 percent of all forecasts made in the world the outcome of the election of the President of the United States. And how it was arranged this show, gives a remarkable talent of his producer, who still remains behind the scenes. And that this Director has already no doubt.

I have at the time of writing the post “trump, Clinton or systemic uncertainty” was quite a bit of doubt that remained by the time a couple of weeks got to be something that will be to raise public ratings trump to the level of his opponent. The quality and adequacy of these public forecasts did not matter. It was important to make it clear to the voters that victory trump is not accidental and is not the result of fraud. And such an event has appeared to us in the form of another scandal around the letters to Clinton and opening a new case with the FBI. At least it was important to let the same voters that victory trump is not a direct consequence of this scandal. But because for a couple of days before the election, Clinton was acquitted. And from that moment on friendly media, and that almost all media in the US immediately drew her a new advantage.

But really, it looks much more interesting when you start to compare some interesting facts. Around the same time when the Director of the FBI said about the case of Clinton under the new circumstances, the West has cancelled planned for election night colorful fireworks over the Hudson river, which was supposed to be a visual symbol of her victory. Isn’t that weird. She was cleared of a charge, the rating begins again to galleriat and clearly promise a triumph, and the Challenger for the triumph and almost guaranteed the presidency takes the order for the fireworks. Don’t need to be Nostradamus to comparing both facts, to understand that the closure of the case was linked with the rejection of unfair fight and a solid promise to recognize the victory of the opponent. It is no coincidence that almost from the middle of the night, when the trend is to lead trump just became apparent that the staff of Clinton has already reigned despondency. And the recognition of victory tramp on her part is not delayed.

In light of all the incident again raises questions about the power behind trump and led him to the White House. If we consider the opposition presidential candidates in the U.S. as battle of the Rothschilds conditional conditional Rockefellers, the first clearly won. Moreover, the fact that shortly before the elections, they initiated a free trade agreement between Canada and the EU, that is actually duplicated the planned TTIP, in which the role of America went to Canada, read the UK, rules out any coincidence of the election results. Moreover, after winning the trump substantial part of the US elite who have linked their fate with the victory of Clinton seriously intend to emigrate to Canada. That would mean the final victory of the Rothschilds over their old opponents.

However, despite the obviousness of these relationships, I would not say that trump is a product of Rothschild, or more broadly of the British Crown, although for a long time shared this opinion. Now, taking into account all known facts and assumptions, I am inclined to believe that the victory of the Republican candidate has provided a completely different effect. It is a national American bureaucracy first and foremost, intelligence. That is the part of the US elite, which is not seriously concerned about global American leadership or its geopolitical status, which essentially was until today the status of the global TNCs with us residence, and the viability which is tied to the USA as a state. And if Rockefeller clintonoid was ready for global domination of us corporations to bury the USA as a state, the bureaucracy and the intelligence agencies opposite the rather bankrupt all corporations, and seized their assets to the state budget of the USA, but will not allow the collapse of the country. For in this case will cease to exist themselves. Apparently we are dealing with the special operation of the notorious “Octopus” is the global Corporation “Vanguard”, created and led by just come from the American intelligence services and publicly during the whole time distantsirovaniya as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. But more likely we’re dealing with as far a 62 m or a little less far 91 m dealing with a joint operation of a number of intelligence agencies are completely different States.

To say that will bring the world to win the trump it is early. First we have to see whether he can live up to the inauguration in January of next year. But if you can, the world is waiting for the amazing change. And the most obvious and disastrous they would be for TNK that it’s time to give all “acquired by overwork”, or in other words stolen from the budget of the United States in the form of “savings” in offshore tax schemes. And similar large-scale operation, which will be felt by not only the American markets, quite radically redistribute wealth and influence in the world.

Apparently, earlier made predictions about the shift of the world economic and political activity in the Pacific now have more chances to succeed. Only now there was a serious possibility that this process will not be under the exclusive control of Britain. And for Russia the game on the contradictions between the participants is very real. As for Europe, the most likely consequence will be the acceleration of the failure of the policies of Merkel and the beginning of centrifugal processes.

But complacency. In connection with the more than impressive the possible consequences for global corporations victory trump, first, it is not surprising that they fought for the victory of Clinton with such ferocity, and, secondly, we can hardly expect any humility after defeat. And now the probability of any triggered by serious events, capable to affect the world, whether large-scale terrorist attack (for example, the explosion of the new York stock exchange) organized or natural disaster (for example, Yeloustouna), increases considerably. And time at them on it is evil no more than two or three months.

With regard to Russia in connection with the winning trump. The consequences would be in several directions.

First, do not think that trump is a sweetheart, who won for the love of Russia. Not at all. Most likely will be tough but within the rules of the confrontation, based on which will revive the technological and military competition with the USSR. And this is good.

Secondly, what exactly will not make the trump, is trying to get into another geopolitical adventures in our underbelly. Him and his problems enough. So, svidomye fans of freebies can immediately start packing. And in the Caucasus and Central Asia will be quieter.

Thirdly, quietly, but alas, not peacefully in order to live long ISIS, and then big problems are waiting for Qatar and the Saudis.

Fourth, within several next after the inauguration of the trump to change significantly the Russian political Beau Monde.

And the rest we will see. Good luck to everyone. It is still highly likely that the chances for peace increased. After the world chosen by the world, the world chose US.

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