Home / Business / The cost of consulting an astrologer Vasilisa Volodya grew to 200 thousand rubles

The cost of consulting an astrologer Vasilisa Volodya grew to 200 thousand rubles


Astrologer and host of the “let’s get married!” Vasilisa Volodina enjoys great popularity among fans of astrology. Once Vasilisa said that she had no end of clients, and her schedule is booked several months in advance. We decided to find out how expensive the services of an astrologer.


All the necessary information appeared on the official website of Vasilisa. Thus, individual astrological forecast will cost customers in 24 thousand roubles, the compatibility horoscope is 30 thousand rubles, the horoscope of the child’s abilities — 18 thousand.



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To know good days for wedding lovers will be able for 50 thousand rubles, to choose the name for child is the same and the question about where to look for a job, the astrologer will reply you in 24 thousand.

Advice on personal life and conception are from 70 to 105 thousand rubles, and individual consultation of the astrologer and the more expensive from 140 to 210 thousand rubles. Interestingly, even in the winter consultation Vasilisa is worth 150 thousand rubles.


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