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The Prophecies Of Paul Globa

The view from 2016 to the prophecies of Paul Globa, made in 2009 and 2011

In an era of political and economic turmoil, people are always interested in – what will the next world crisis. Therefore there is great interest in the various soothsayers and prophets, lifts the veil over the future. But the most interesting is the predictions, the data some time ago, because we can check they are true or not.

The crisis in Ukraine

Пророчества Павла ГлобыThe shelf life of paper-very short – the few who keeps a binder of old books, you can find them except in libraries.

But not everyone will go there to read the yellowed pages, which is sometimes very difficult to find the information you need, especially if you do not know where to look.

The Internet remembers everything, just enter the right search query to find specific word. And you can limit the date search will have only those articles that were written in a certain time period.

The forecasts in the past the famous astrologer Pavel Globa, there are on many sites, and they are very easy to find. They date back to 2009 and 2011, when much of what was said by the astrologer seemed full of fiction – as you can see by reading the comments to the forecasts, left in a while. And here at the yard in 2016 – and what happens? We see almost all the predictions of the astrologer came true.

In 2009 Globa predicted that after a few years it will happen a strong political crisis, which Ukraine will disintegrate into three parts, and two of them will be part of the new Russian Empire. He said, “will Not survive the crisis and Ukraine, which is waiting for the collapse of three parts.

The collapse will not happen now, but by 2014 in Ukraine will be a de-facto two independent from each other administration, while maintaining the formal integrity of the territory, in the same format as today in Moldova. East-Ukrainian Federation will not be subject to Kiev and de facto become part of the Russian Empire, the Crimea will become Ukrainian Chechnya”.

As we can see, something Globa wrong, but everything else seemed fantastic at the time, still true. It is interesting that Ukraine, according to the astrologer, a bright future is waiting for only in Union with Russia and only under the new President.

Black man

In addition, Globa argued that economic crisis which will last until 2020, will redraw the political map of the world and change the whole geopolitical balance of power.

“Back in 1999, I said that the world will face unprecedented crisis, which will begin after the arrival of the 44th President of the USA”, – said Globa. In his words, indicate it is still in the works of Belarusian visionary of the Middle ages Basil nemchina, the words which often relies Globa. Nemchin pointed to shocks that come from overseas, when the U.S. will be in power for the 44th ruler – his Nemchin called “black man”.

Globa said: “In 1999, I believed that “black man” was mentioned in an allegorical sense, but it turned out that “black” was used in a direct sense. In the end, we made a mistake a few months since the crisis began shortly before the arrival of Obama, but this margin of error”.

The astrologer also claimed that the United States as the leading world power there is a great future. States waiting for the great depression. The country will be saved, but it will lose its leadership status. In this most difficult time for the United States will come after Obama leaves office, who will hold the presidency in more than one term.

Here the astrologer made a mistake: Barack Obama still became President for a second term, but leadership the country clearly loses.

In addition, Globa predicted that even more sad future awaits Europe. In place of a single European Union will be more associations. Scandinavia and the Baltic States form the Northern Union, which will be the successor of “the Hanseatic League”. France, Italy and Spain United in the southern European Union. The EU may remain like education, but only on paper.

According to the forecast of the astrologer, decay, and other military and political alliances – to the end of the crisis will not live the NATO, which in near future will increase, but then will cease to exist.

Пророчества Павла Глобы

On the brink of war

Interestingly, in 2009, an astrologer warned that in 2014, the planet is on the brink of world war.

“The year 2014 is dangerous because Uranus is in Aries, and this is a very warlike combination. I fear the beginning of permanent war in the East. God forbid it will be connected with Iran, then whatever the outcome we’ll get a real explosion of absolutely uncontrollable total terrorism. But until 2014 no war in Russia will not. There will be an explosion of banditry, but no more.”

The explosion of crime in Russia has not happened, however, the explosion of terrorism in the world happened, and the war in the East started only in Iran and in Syria. By the way, recently, in January 2016, Pavel Globa has made yet another prediction: “Syria, I think, will change their shape, it will not be the same as before, and will become a Federation in which there will be several almost independent parts. Although it is not immediately, but after a few years.

“Islamic state” win now fail. We must abandon the idea that next year it’ll break – before 2020 is incredible. The war will go into another phase. There is a truce for some, peace replaced war, in General, horse racing, the same opposition as in the Donbas, approx. Low-intensity war continues in the middle East”. In addition, Globa predicted a quick dismissal of Bashar al-Assad.

Waiting for 2020

Interestingly, in relation to the future of our country Globa very optimistic. In 2011, he claimed that in 2013-2014 Russia is waiting for the crisis – financial, economic, and political – which will last until the end of 2020. However, if the country can survive these years, then the next 30 years will be for her a time of prosperity and Russia will become a global financial center. And prosperity “threaten” not just Russia, but all the nearby territories.

Globa claimed that the economic Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus will only grow stronger, although he will try to destroy. However, the astrologer predicted that there would be not just a common economic Union and the Eurasian Union, which will include almost all the republics of the former USSR and almost all East bloc countries and even Greece and Mongolia. It will happen in 30-40-ies of the XXI century.

Interestingly, in 2011 the astrologer advised those who do not believe in Russia’s future, to recover in a quiet old Europe” – France or Germany. According to him, these countries “will still stand, no matter what”. While Globa warned: “If you are emigrating, then in 20 years asked back.”

Interestingly, current, 2016, according to the astrologer, will be for Russia better than the last, will increase political and economic power of our country, and the point of fracture will be the summer that seriously change the situation in the country, and around the world.

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