Home / Money / The coolest cars of the Russian football team

The coolest cars of the Russian football team

.And yet our players can be proud. For example, with their cool machines. Clearly 3:0 in their favor. None of the rogue from Wales there is no such car.

Самые крутые тачки футболистов сборной России

Russia striker Alexander Kokorin cuts on two cars: Mercedes-Benz G55 and the Audi R8. The cost of the first of them hovering around 13 million rubles, and the second is for a couple of million cheaper and is probably used to the humility of the spirit.

Самые крутые тачки футболистов сборной России

Igor Akinfeev owns Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series. Perhaps, to the goalkeeper of the national team supporters claim it is less than the rest of the players. Why not treat yourself to a car, the cost of which, if you believe open sources, starts from 26 million rubles – deserved!

Самые крутые тачки футболистов сборной России

Fedor Smolov classic Porsche. During the relationship with Victoria and lopyrevoy Russia striker gave her a Porsche for 10 million rubles. After parting the car remained in the girl – a noble gesture on the part of the player! And do not pity yourself buy.

In General, the victory there, albeit not on the football field. But with the ability to overspend all right.

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