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The combination of these vitamins and minerals bring a double benefit to the health

Сочетание этих витаминов и минералов приносят двойную пользу здоровьюIt turns out that you need to properly combine foods to get from them the maximum amount of nutrients.

If you are thinking about what minerals may be deficient your body, and try to include them in your diet, you are already helping yourself to stay healthy. But there are some vitamins and minerals, which become even more useful together — so often biologically active additives to combine multiple elements, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference for Today.

Calcium + vitamin D

Why? Calcium is necessary for strong bones and teeth, regulating muscle contractions (including heartbeat) and blood clotting. Vitamin D promotes the formation of calcitriol — the active form of this vitamin. Calcitriol helps the body absorb calcium, which of this hormone will climb from the bones, they can become weaker.

What to cook? Good sources of calcium — dairy products, soy, tofu, nuts; vitamin D is found in salmon, sardines, meat, and egg yolks. The combination of calcium and vitamin D is found not only in special additives, but also in our usual products: orange juice, milk, cereal. You can also cook salmon with Kale Kale — your lunch will be much healthier thanks to this combination.

Healthy fats + fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)

Why? Fat-soluble vitamins differ from others in that it is soluble not in water but in fat. Among them, vitamins K and D that helps keep bones strong, vitamin a, useful for vision, and the antioxidant vitamin E. All these vitamins are often found in fruits and vegetables, eggs, butter, but the best effect can be obtained when consumed with fats — then the body can easily assimilate them. Although fat-soluble vitamins the body needs every day, daily rich to include their products in diet is not necessary: in the liver and fatty tissues, and so create the necessary reserves, and excess vitamins can only do harm.

What to cook? In fact, to combine vitamins with fats is quite simple: for example, if you fill the vegetable salad with oil, fry the courgettes in olive oil or dip vegetables in guacamole.

Iron + vitamin C

Why? Iron helps red blood cells to move oxygen around the cells of the body, so any lack you may feel drowsiness and fatigue. The combination of iron and vitamin C is especially important if you don’t eat meat: the fact that plant sources of iron are less active than animals, so the body harder to absorb this microelement.

What to cook? Meat, beans, nuts, dried fruits and cereals — all foods rich in iron. If you are a vegetarian, it is better to combine in food of plant and animal sources of iron such as steak, spinach or chicken with chickpeas.

Vitamins and minerals can either be mutually reinforcing or can be an antagonist, so vitamin complexes accounted for the relationship between the pharmacology is pharmacology. Everything must be balanced and if, for example, calcium and vitamin D work synergistically with each other, they drink together. When the body lacks sun in the cold regions, it is better to add to the diet vitamins b and C, and D, or minerals — calcium fluoride for example. But there are obvious antagonists: iron cannot be joined to the zinc, zinc — copper, calcium — manganese.

The ancient Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates said a very important thing that many people still pay attention: “Let your food be medicine and your medicine food”. For centuries people receive vitamins and minerals is from food, but this is often not enough. What we incorrectly eat too affected — sweet, phosphates in meats and other junk food rids the body of necessary vitamins. We eat a lot of animal fats and very little plant contained in the seeds and nuts, and are often sick. If a person overindulges and eats properly, he should certainly Supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals from the pharmacy. If he carefully approaches his food, he grabs what he gets from food.

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