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The collapse of the democratic coalition: who went, who stayed, what’s next

Распад Демкоалиции: кто ушел, кто остался, что дальше

Russian opposition finally quarreled in front of the nearest parliamentary elections. Thursday “Party of progress” Alexei Navalny has issued a statement admitting that “taken in December last year, at the suggestion of the party “Parnas” the decision on the introduction of special exemptions-privileges for the leader of Parnas and grant him first place in the list without primaries was a mistake”, and “the price of this error was a flurry of criticism from our supporters, the sharp fall of interest in the primaries of the democratic coalition and debates of the participants.”

The lack of alternatives Mikhail Kasyanov in the first place of the party list, according to the supporters of Navalny is a direct road to electoral defeat. “Either in the course of fair competition, we identify the strongest candidates and nominate them, or substitute voting backroom decision of the party nomenklatura, demotiviruet supporters and weakening its chances of winning”, — said in a statement.

As a result, the Bulk party left list “Parnassus”, leaving behind the single-seat districts right to decide whether to participate in the primaries or not.

Earlier, at a meeting of the Democratic coalition on Wednesday evening several people questioned the first place ex-Prime Minister, the leader of Parnas Mikhail Kasyanov in the election list. He was accused of unwillingness to participate in coalition primaries and to Finance elections.

As a result of cooperation with former Prime Minister also refused Vladimir Milov and his “Democratic choice”. Precarious position Konstantin Jankauskas, co-founder of “Party on 5 December”. Even before the Alliance left the co-Chairman “Solidarity” Ilya Yashin — he didn’t like Kasyanov’s words that he allegedly said Natalia Pelevine.

“I was waiting for from the President “Parnassus” voluntary renunciation of quota in first place in the list with the phrase “I want to confirm the right to leadership and to bring the coalition from the blow”. On the one hand, it would strengthen his reputation as a man who did not cling to status, to give priority to the common cause and behaves in accordance with the traditions of European policy. On the other hand, this noble act would give a powerful incentive coalition, and would mobilize supporters. We could be worthy to get out of an unpleasant situation,” — said Yashin.

Russian service Bi-bi-si asked former and current members of the coalition regarding Mikhail Kasyanov’s chances of becoming an MP without the support of the opposition, and plans for the future after refusal of participation in elections.

Ilya Yashin, co-Chairman “Solidarity”:

I’m working on a new report, which deals with the organization of mafia structures under the guise of “United Russia”. The working title of the report: Party “Criminal Russia”. Plan to present it in August.

The key task in this situation is to reduce the result of “United Russia” in the elections. And for this we need to open people’s eyes to the fact that this is a party. That’s what I plan to do.

If the Duma will break at least some independents, it will benefit, no doubt. But we see that the entire state machine is running to prevent this.

Vladimir Milov, Chairman, Demokraticheskogo choice” (on Livejournal):

Realistic — I probably will have to miss this campaign. For me this is a hard decision, but so is the life — wasting time and resources on practicing the next 5 months “digger for Kasyanov with hearing hard-hitting comments of voters about the leader of the list and then get result in 0.5% I feel useless.

However! I thought and still think the upcoming elections are extremely important, they definitely need to go and vote. And now with my colleagues we will create a pool of candidates in single-member constituencies and lists in regional legislative Assembly, which we will support. The emphasis of the campaign shifted to the regions.

Konstantin Jankauskas, co-founder of “Party on 5 December”:

In the beginning of the conflict, when it became clear that a compromise nobody wants to go not, I am with my campaign staff has discussed this issue, and we decided to continue the fight. That is — I’m moving on to the elections as planned, although, of course, it will now be harder to do.

I’m not shooting with primaries, “Parnassus”, I believe I have fulfilled all the conditions of the agreements with the party. I hope to win in the primaries and then expect that “Parnas”, as agreed, will nominate me as a candidate for my single-mandate constituency. To collect signatures is not an option — this means that just will not register.

In fact the coalition is no more, there is a list of “Parnassus” and a number of esteemed personalities that will be included in this list, such as Professor Teeth. This, of course, worse than a full coalition with Navalny, Milov and so on.

Konstantin Merzlikin, Deputy Chairman of the “Parnassus”:

No one is going to change plans to abandon the commitments which the party took. Of course, mil has decided, of course, Navalny is not satisfied. But in the primaries will participate more than 100 candidates from different political parties and coalitions, including the lawyer of Fund of struggle against corruption Love Sable.

Of course, Navalny is this powerful figure with his media, ability to work with supporters — loss. We believe that we have made every effort to continue to work with him.

To the provocations of the authorities, I mean like a film about Kasyanov, and the film is about the Bulk, you need to respond firmly and cohesively. Our supporters need to show consolidation, not change the rules of the game for no reason.

I am sure that this divorce is not final, the door is still open between us.

Love the Sable, a member of the Central Council of the Party of progress”:

This decision of the party leadership and it applies to party and not to the independent members. In a personal capacity I’ll be negotiating with the “Parnas”.

I pretend to become joint opposition candidate and is ready to compete with the rest in open primaries.

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