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The cause of quarrels in the aircraft

Названа причина ссор в самолетахExperts explained why people argue in the aircraft.

Scientists have found that conflicts occur most often on those flights where there are seats business class.

Such data studies have shown scientists from the University of Toronto and Harvard business school.

The researchers analyzed a database of millions of international flights, and then thousands of conflict situations during the flight. They saw that collisions occur more often on those flights where there are seats business class. Researchers believe that the passage of the passengers in economy class by seats for business class reinforces in them the feeling of social inequality.

Additional factors that provoke “bad behavior” were alcohol consumption, long flights and a large number of people on the plane.

It turned out that the economy class is almost 84% of the conflicts, and 15% – among the first class passengers. Men fall into them three times more often than women. Usually negative emotions pour out on the flight attendants and stewards.

The results of the study, the researchers advised the airlines that want to reduce conflicts between passengers during flights, to minimize the difference between the classes.

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