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The budget deficit could be reduced by one trillion rubles

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The Chairman of the accounts chamber Tatyana Golikova praised as it can save the state by increasing the efficiency of spending.

The Federal budget could have an extra 1 trillion rubles, provided more efficient use of funds that now fall because unused residues and disadvantages of control systems. This own assessment shared in an interview (read in one of the upcoming issues) “news” the Chairman of the accounts chamber Tatyana Golikova.

Among the other main claims of the controlling Agency following the results of check of execution of the budget-2015 — bad forecasting revenues, shortcomings of work of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) and the growth of deposits of state agencies. In addition, recognized as inefficient state program in the amount of 1.6 trillion rubles (according to the MAYOR). Among them — the program of support of persons with disabilities “Accessible environment” program of development of the Far East and North Caucasus. All this, according to the head of the accounting chamber, creates great opportunities to optimize the internal budget process.

The 2015 budget was executed with revenues of 13.5 trillion rubles (1.9% more than forecast), with a cost of 15.6 trillion (1.5% less than expected) and a deficit of 1.96 trillion in the limit of 2.17 trillion. However, the deficit could be significantly lower if the performers more effectively dispose of dedicated public funds.

— If to speak about the current situation, it is about a trillion rubles. You can at least so fold, though different, but we’re going to be around this figure. We were laughing recently with Alexei Leonidovich Kudrin (former Finance Minister under whose leadership worked Tatyana Golikova. — “News”). He said: “Tanya, how many, in your estimation, can you save?” — “Trillion”. — “We need to talk more”. — “Talk more”.

Serious omissions in the chamber recorded in forecasting tax and non-tax revenues. As noted in the report services (available to “Izvestia”), 16 administrators revenues exceeded the forecast 2-134 times. “However, 10 of chief administrators of revenues are not fulfilled the plan, of which four level of neosporine ranged from 9.2 to 54%. Among them — Spetsstroy, from which adaposturi target deductions from the all-Russia state lotteries”, — said in the conclusion of the joint venture.

The Director of the Department of revenue of the Ministry of Finance Elena Lebedinskaya explained “Izvestia” that in most cases serious excess of forecasted revenue figures for administrators were associated with the receipt of large amounts of income not included in the budget law.

In particular, it transfers for high technology medical aid, which have been “in painting” and the law was not taken into consideration. There were other receipts, which is essentially technical — these funds are fully focused on costs, but had to go through the Federal budget for further redistribution, ” she explained.

According to the Director of the Department of Finance, at the same time, there are problems with the planning of certain types of income from the main administrators. Mostly it concerns various irregular and one-off income (such as compensation, one-time payments related to various auctions).

— Such income is to plan really hard, but the work to improve the situation is underway. We believe that a systematic approach to forecasting will significantly improve the accuracy of the drafting of budget revenues, said Yelena Lebedinskaya.

Budget could save more than a trillion and if there will be more to follow software principle and to increase the liability of principals for the final result, I’m sure the Professor rgup Anatoly Selyukov.

— If you open the budget of Sweden, there is a clear purpose — for example, should be built so many schools. In our budget instead is “the development of nanotechnology” without specific numbers, ” he says.

According to the expert, vague goals lead to a significant increase of costs and failure to realize the real problems of the economy.

Pension Fund (PFR) has received from the chamber representation with the requirement to resolve a number of issues. If the end of the year, the Fund does not settle, the consequences can be severe.

— Under the new law we have the right to extend its performance only once. If one extension fails to eliminate deficiencies, we write them a prescription. The regulations are very rigid mode of execution. If you have not fulfilled the prescription, it is fraught with fines and court at the same time as the documents are submitted directly to the court, — told “Izvestia” Tatiana Golikova.

In particular, the FIU did not provide separate accounting of pension savings for those who are entitled to term pension payments, and provision of PFR for mandatory pension insurance, although it is provided by Federal laws.

With the funded pension system is associated with a number of violations, including violation of the terms of payment to the heirs of the insured in the storage system, as well as a violation of the transfer of the parent capital in the pension. Also, the Fund is not able to properly assess payment of pension (actual expenditures were 18% above plan). Furthermore, the FIU, in violation of the requirements of the law has not conducted internal financial audit, it is emphasized in the conclusion of the joint venture.

The press service of the FIU “news” reported that the submission received and they are already working on removing the issues of the accounting chamber.

We have received the audit chamber view in which there are comments, and does not claim that much. In many ways, the comments are not related to the work of the FIU and the devices of the system of mandatory pension insurance and its legislative regulation, including issues of tariff policies at rates of premiums. All the comments that FIU can eliminate, the work, composed of internal work plan for addressing them, the majority of the comments already eliminated, — said the representative of the Fund.

Another important concern of the accounting chamber — the growth of free funds of state agencies, which they place on Deposit. So, temporarily free funds of Rostec, Rosatom, the housing and utilities reform Fund and “Avtodor” increased from 70 to 130 billion rubles. While a significant proportion of these funds are placed in deposits of banks and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Thus for this investment government-issued money government received 10 billion rubles of income.

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