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The best sources of iron

Названы лучшие источники железаIt is no secret that a balanced diet is crucial to well-being for each person and not only.

One of the main roles in the right menu is not randomly allocated iron, which is involved in the structuring of proteins, synthesis of oxygen, hemoglobin and myoglobin, as well as the provision of metabolic processes. This trace mineral at the cellular level helps in strengthening the immune system, and indeed its role cannot be overestimated.


For adult men, the daily consumption rate of iron is about 8 mg and, perhaps, the easiest way to gain this value will be the inclusion in the diet of meat and its byproducts. Liver, kidney, pork, red meat and poultry meat in the daily menu will provide about half or more of the required by the body. However, there are many factors influencing the uptake and absorption of iron by the intestinal wall, for example, the presence of the required number of “catalyst” in the form of vitamin C.

To say that an animal or heme-iron absorbed by the body in the amount of 15-35% contained in the meat, significantly higher than the 2-20% range for iron of plant origin. So in the case of nagimova trace element must never forget the participation of vitamin C in improving digestibility, but it is better to get the simultaneous use of pairs of complementary products.

Spinach and red pepper

Half a kilo of spinach contains about 9 mg of iron and only 75 calories, but without a rich in vitamin C red peppers persuasion from eating the wonderful vegetable will be less than it could be. Salad of chopped pepper and fresh or sauteed spinach combined with olive oil and garlic will satisfy those who are watching their figure, but also suffer from lack of iron not intended. By the way, any iron-containing product from our list can be easily combined with any “C-oriented” vegetable or fruit for maximum effect and variety on the table.

Broccoli and tomatoes

The easiest way to start a set with iron in the morning will add to your omelette for Breakfast, broccoli and tomatoes, which paired work better than separately. A good option will be adding to this combination of protein-rich chicken or salmon for lunch, backed by a portion of carbohydrate-containing pasta.

Black beans and cabbage

About the wealth of the cabbage in vitamin C so much is said that only the deaf did not hear about the dominance of this vegetable on the lemon, which many mistakenly ascribe to outstanding performance on the above vitamin. In one Cup of black beans can contain not only up to 15 mg of iron, but about 600 calories, so be careful to add this pair to itself in the diet of those who used to follow the figure.

Kale and orange

Surprise, but the Kale itself is a good source of iron — in one average head of this trace mineral may contain up to 5 mg! So why add to it and the orange, if high levels of vitamin C also confirmed scientists and our previous item of the list? But because it is, firstly, delicious if you cook, for example, Kale chips with citrus notes — and, secondly, just because we can. And you, too.

Lentils and Brussels sprouts

Another pair, but this time with cabbages Brussels also deserves your attention. In it, the lentils with their 8-10 mg of iron per Cup once again will prove the randomness of the occurrence of legumes in the top list of foods rich in these micronutrients.

Dark chocolate and strawberries

This is the combination we left for dessert, as many might want to obtain another confirmation of the correctness of your cravings for sweets and excess excuse the weakness for chocolate in the Treasury. And the main thing is not to limit yourself in the fantasy — melt the chocolate and pour this mixture all over the strawberries, grate it on a grater and sprinkle the porridge with the berries, mix them together in a blender for cocktails — a great number of options are endless!


Adding the above foods to your menu can really significantly increase the amount of body iron. However, there are still a couple of tricks that contribute to a better assimilation of trace elements. The first of these is to cook in iron pots, especially acidic foods, which will also be “capture” from the surface of the microparticles. So, one study says that cooked in a cast iron skillet tomato spaghetti sauce contains 9 times more iron than all the ingredients before roasting.

Second, the Council recommends that the joint use of products with iron and those rich in tannins — coffee and tea in the first place. Do not take before heme and Negima-food and calcium supplements, so as not to do for the body the absorption of the trace element is too heavy a task.

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