Home / Policy / The author of the British film about “the Boeing” has accused Western journalists to demonize the militia

The author of the British film about “the Boeing” has accused Western journalists to demonize the militia

The author of the British film about “the Boeing” has accused Western journalists to demonize the militia

One of the authors of the movie air force dedicated to the circumstances of the crash Malaysian Boeing in the East of Ukraine, became an independent German journalist Billy six, is known for criticizing Western media and cooperation with Russian TV, according to “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, referring to the British media.

The publication notes that Billy six we have already repeatedly appeared in the media in connection with investigation of circumstances of crash of “Boeing” in Eastern Ukraine.

“So, on July 17 last year, he published one of the first Amateur video footage taken seconds after the crash, previously unknown to the General public, — the newspaper writes. — In comments to the video Sixx pointed out that the hopes of the witnesses of the tragedy, initially ready to tell reporters about what they saw, were deceived: “Especially Western journalists, who only cares about scandals and the demonization of the insurgents. Soon, however, Western journalists had to step aside because of false stories with “a triumphant image of a Teddy bear” or “stolen wedding ring”… the deception was too obvious. But the behavior of “reporters” have left their traces. When I was there, the confidence of the people came back only after a week of meetings. After that they continued talking openly about what occurred on July 17, 2014… and gave me lots of material for which I am now looking for the right platform.

“Breakdown of the pen for six on TV was the appearance in his 27-minute story of the Russia Today TV channel “MH17: no one deserves to die like that”, — douvall “MK”. — It shows, in particular, as German journalist through an interpreter speaks with witnesses of the tragedy, stating, if they saw in the sky a trail from the missile “Buka”. “I wanted to find someone who would see the trail from chemical pollution in the sky, but I failed,” — said the then six”.

Автор британского фильма о «Боинге» обвинил западных журналистов в демонизации ополченцев This photo was used close to THESE as evidence that militias allegedly looted a crashed plane.

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