Home / Medicine / Thanks to celery, can be a week to lose seven kilo

Thanks to celery, can be a week to lose seven kilo

Благодаря сельдерею, можно за неделю сбросить семь килограммDiet celery soup: in a week we will say goodbye to 7 kg.

In celery based diet is the recommendation to eat the soup in unlimited quantities. Experts claim that already over a week you can easily lose 4 to 8 pounds. This will completely eliminate from the diet alcohol – it is, unfortunately, actively prevents the removal of fat from the body.

Diet celery soup absolutely harmless to the body. But after a week of using it should do a two-week break and then again proceed to the restriction in food.

The first day

You can eat unlimited amount of soup (at least every half an hour); fruit (except bananas). From drinks are allowed water (usually without gas), which also can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Allowed to treat yourself to tea or coffee (without sugar!) and cranberry juice.

It is important throughout diet day to eat at least two servings of celery soup – this lot would provide the necessary minimum nutrients. The cooks there are lots of recipes of different, but equally useful soups of celery.

The second day

This day allowed except celery soup you can eat vegetables – fresh, boiled, stewed and even canned – and leafy greens (spinach, sorrel, chicory, etc.). In the afternoon you can relax and treat yourself to baked potatoes, seasoned with butter. Drink this only ordinary purified water in unlimited quantities.

The third day

Also you can eat only celery soup, vegetables, fruits (except bananas!) and to drink only filtered water. All meals should add any low-calorie or calorie-free components (fresh or dried herbs, all kinds of seasonings, soy sauce, vinegar, ketchup and lemon juice).

The fourth day

In this day in addition to soup, fruit and vegetables in the menu, you can add 3 bananas and skim milk. But you have to drink more filtered or boiled water. The bananas will deliver to your organism with all necessary nutrients: vitamin a, nicotinic acid, iron, potassium and protein.

The fifth day

Celery soup remains the basis of the diet. You can add 250-300 grams of lean beef or white meat chicken (without skin). As a side dish well suited to fresh or canned tomatoes. Water on this day you should drink at least 2 l. At this time, the body will begin to experience a shortage of protein-rich foods.

The sixth day

The number of celery soup can be reduced, it is allowed to enter into the diet of beef and vegetables, including leafy. Meat and vegetables you can afford and for Breakfast and for lunch and even for dinner. Water you also need to drink 1.5–2 liters per day.

Seventh day

You need to be sure to eat a bowl of celery soup with added brown rice, which can also be combined with vegetables for the second. Add in the diet onions, tomatoes and cauliflower. In addition to the usual 2 liters of water for lunch is recommended to drink a glass of fresh fruit juice (without sugar!).

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