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Telegram users found a database of personal data of car owners

Пользователи Telegram обнаружили базу личных данных автовладельцев

Users of Telegram found in the instant messenger database with personal data of car owners. This was told in the Facebook head of design factory “Flacon” Ian Yarmoshchuk.

On the morning of Thursday, July 14, he was contacted by a stranger. He said that the car Yarmoshuk almost crushed by a tree during the hurricane and were advised to move the car. Anonymous also explained that chat-bot AntiParkon in the Telegram on the number of cars found out the name of the owner and his phone.

He also noted that he did not know where the chat-bot takes personal data. However, this information helps in difficult situations, for example when the machine is clamped in the Parking lot.

In the description of the bot says that it does not use foreign bases and does not require a phone number.

In may the Internet there is a free service autonum.info allowing the car number to find the name and phone number of the owner. Its base is formed by the users themselves.

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