Home / Business / Tatiana Navka showed the family the video from the day of birth of the youngest daughter

Tatiana Navka showed the family the video from the day of birth of the youngest daughter


21 Aug youngest daughter Tatiana Navka and press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov Nadia was two years old. Since then, the skater no longer hide the girl’s face.


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However, only recently she decided to share moments of family joy and has posted a video of the celebration to Instagram. “Finally ready for a video of the birthday Nadya! A beautiful Park with a tent became a real discovery for our family! The company, which organized the festival, gave us a lot of positive emotions. By watching the video, I wanted to see not so much a pretty picture, how many real memories, warm moments, the voices of children. That was not just a clip, but a real film. This is what happened,” wrote the happy mom (Spelling and punctuation more. — Approx. ed.).

Finally ready video birthday Nadya! I thank Imperial Garden for the invitation @imperialgardenhall. A beautiful Park with a tent became a real discovery for our family! And the Company @2a.event.management gave us a lot of positive emotions thanks to your organization. By watching the video, I wanted to see not so much a pretty picture, how many real memories, warm moments, the voices of children. That was not just a clip, but a real movie, the guys from @2you_studio did exactly what you need. #nadezda.pelcova #birthday

Video posted by Tatiana Navka (@tatiana_navka) Oct 28 2016 at 4:02 PDT

Second birthday little girl walked in the fresh air, the location of was chosen as the city Park. However, the celebration happened a little later because of the tight tour schedule of the grooves. To congratulate Nadia birthday came and many stars of show business: Alika Smekhova, Jasmine, Anna Semenovich, Stas Mikhailov and many others.

Дмитрий Песков и Татьяна Навка с дочерью Надей

Недавно девочке исполнилось два года

Старшая дочь Татьяны Александра с младшей сестрой

Дмитрий Песков с дочерью Надей

Татьяна Навка Фото: instagram.com

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