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Tag Archives: scientists

Israeli scientists have managed to create artificial gold

Scientists have found an inexhaustible source of gold. Discovery belongs to the post-graduate student of the faculty of engineering of the materials Maria Koifman-Kristof. “When creating artificial gold, we were motivated by purely scientific interest. But as it turned out, the resulting material has many potential advantages over the natural …

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Scientists have discovered samples of ancient rock art

The age of cave paintings was established using optical Dating. Experts from the University of New England conducted the expedition, which set, how old is rock art from the caves of the Kimberley. According to scientists, the ancient drawings date back to the period not earlier than 16 thousand years. …

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Scientists have discovered a new kind of people

Researchers at northwestern University USA managed to find people who for decades able to maintain youthfulness. Their study involved more than 60 volunteers at the age of 80 years. In the analysis of the data revealed that 15 of the subjects, the memory is not worse than the 55-year-old, and …

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Scientists named the reason of high life expectancy

A new study has revealed another factor. Italian scientists have named a new factor in extending human life. It is a good microcirculation — tissue contained in the blood substances. Scientists have tracked the centenarians, the average age of which reached 92. They have blood flow to organs was as …

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Scientists found a prehistoric sea monster

Scientists have found sea monster of the Jurassic period in Scotland. In the Scottish Museum was the skeleton of a sea predator that lived in the Jurassic period. The remains of the animal were kept in the petrified sarcophagus of the last 50 years, and was finally cleaned and put …

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Scientists have discovered a sixth taste of food

The man was able to perceive complex carbohydrates.A new taste associated with complex carbohydrates and starches, which are the basis of diet in most cultures. Complex carbohydrates are bread, rice, potatoes, corn and all grains.tut.by. Previously, scientists believed decisive for starch foods are “sweet” receptors, as the saliva breaks down …

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