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Tag Archives: rescue

Tajik pellet: table decoration & rescue budget

Russian saying, “bread is a head” in Tajikistan widely understood. The Tajik attitude to bread is very respectful. No bread at the table do not sit down. After the meal, all the crumbs from the tablecloth collect and never throw it in the bin. It is considered a sin. Tortillas …

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Will Putin, as Zeus abducting Europe to its rescue?

And Europe should be saved. Oh, how necessary! The Anglo-Saxons leave the EU. Moreover, the military occupation of Europe, the United States continues since 1945, and the EU vassal has obligations to America, so now facing a new threat to its colonial grip. No, not Russia, as trying the Americans …

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If jerk – reactor “Westinghouse” will not come to the rescue

    The policy of de-communization, actively pursued by the regime Poroshenko, involves a complete rejection of the heritage of the Soviet era. Officials and deputies, completing relevant law, began, as they thought, from the easy – renaming the settlements. If uncompromisingly follow the idea of de-communization, then according to …

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