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Tag Archives: protesters

The police used pepper gas to disperse protesters in Hong Kong

The protests were attended mostly young people dressed in black. Hong Kong police used pepper gas against thousands of migrants who yesterday, November 6, came the mass demonstrations against attempts by Beijing to intervene in the internal Affairs of Hong Kong. The protests were attended mostly young people dressed in …

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In Yerevan, protesters burned a police bus

In Armenia clashes. An armed group that seized the building of the regiment of the patrol service in Yerevan, today burnt a police bus service Chevrolet. “The night before, after the group members burned a police “Gazelle”, they brought out a tyre and put a bullet in it and lit …

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Mexico: mayor of the Indian city killed a crowd of protesters

Authorities have started a murder investigation. The head of the administration of the Indian town of San Miguel Chamula in the Mexican state of Chiapas were killed on Saturday by outraged citizens who came to city hall with complaints to the financial Affairs of the municipality. According to El Financiero, …

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In Yerevan clashes between protesters and police

Police used stun grenades against protesters, in response threw stones.In Yerevan near the seized building of the interior Ministry, clashes between protesters and police. Law enforcement officers used stun grenades to disperse the rally. In response, protesters pelted police with stones. It is noted that there are victims on both …

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In Paris, protesters scuffled with police

In Paris began the mass riots. Demonstration against the new labor laws in Paris escalated into clashes with police. Opponents of the project of the French labour legislation on Tuesday held a demonstration in Paris which almost from the very beginning was accompanied by the attacks of the protesters against …

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In Germany there was a mass fight protesters with the police

In Stuttgart protesters scuffled with police. In Stuttgart, Germany, arrested 400 citizens, who were opposed to the Congress party “Alternative for Germany”. German police on Saturday arrested 400 protesters who tried to disrupt the Congress right-wing party “Alternative for Germany” in Stuttgart. A scuffle arose between the leftist activists and …

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In Chisinau protesters scuffled with police, there are victims

A rally against the government in Chisinau escalated into clashes with police. During the protests in Chisinau, participants of anti-government rally to lay siege to the Parliament and government, and tried to enter the house where the oligarch Vlad plahotniuc. During the storm the house where Vlad plahotniuc, there were …

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