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Tag Archives: production

Petrobras oil production has fallen to levels 2014

In February, the production of Brazilian state oil company Petrobras did not exceed 2 million barrels per day. The reason for the decline in the company called a planned stop oil platforms for maintenance. At the same level prey stuck in January, which was the worst for Petrobras from may …

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Latin America is preparing to discuss the freezing of oil production

Meeting of oil-producing countries of Latin America on the freezing of the level of oil production planned for Friday in the capital of Ecuador, Quito. This was announced by President Rafael Correa. According to him, it must participate Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. Initially it was assumed and part of Mexico, …

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Kuwait urged to freeze oil production at the level of February

The official representative of Kuwait to OPEC Nawal al-Fezia said that oil producers in the negotiations in Doha at the end of next week (April 17) may agree to freeze production at the level of February. About it reports Bloomberg. According to her, the oil-producing countries in the conditions of …

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Iran rejected the possibility of freezing the production

Although Saudi Arabia is ready to freeze the oil just in case, if the agreement will join Iran, it doesn’t seem very effective tactic in negotiations, considering that Iran once again rejected such a proposal. Recall that last week Mohammed bin Salman stated that if one of the large manufacturers …

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Russia has set a new record in oil production

The Russian oil production in March rose 0.3% and amounted to $ 10,91 million barrels per day, thus approaching the 30-year record. Energy Department data show that in March produced 46,196 million tons, compared with 43,064 million in February. This is an absolute record for monthly production. The increase in …

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Iran freezes oil production

The oil Minister of Iran stated that his country is not going to give up their share of the oil market. Bijan Zanganeh also added that he definitely will attend the meeting of oil producers in the capital of Qatar — Doha, provided that it will at this time. The …

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