Now a large demand for all heroic. The joy with which our people are catching the news of a new combat technique that began to make our plants, about new developments that are coming. Even my saleswoman, women and peace in years – and they are increasingly talking about mines and aircraft carriers. High school students dream to serve in the army
That had never happened before.
And it is clear: never in our minds our opposition to the West was not so obvious and blatant. This is especially felt in the contrast of: all remember a time when many genuinely believed that we don’t have any enemies, at least – “image of the enemy” invented by the evil commies. And because all were ready to turn swords into ploughshares. After all, the Cuban missile crisis almost no one now living in the age of reason did not catch, and talk about star wars I remember is that old. And the youth grew up in the relaxing atmosphere of pacifism.
But now suddenly everything has changed radically. So early to reforge swords: can be useful. And people, naturally, want to believe: if maps. Overcome any enemy.
Faith is a great thing, it truly moves mountains. And the morale of not only the army but the entire nation is a matter of strategic importance. No wonder Napoleon once said that battles are won only one-third of cannons and guns, and two – thirds morale.
But in our Patriotic enthusiasm and something you do not want to accept that cause acute rejection. And not just aesthetic – when immoderate boasting and pride are not called fait accompli, and only chamim and expected. No wonder the proverb says: do not boast about, the finish on the army, and bragging rights, finish with rati…
Oh well, to hell with the aesthetics. Let’s talk about the case. It’s embarrassing to recall that all modern war (and modern too) is, in the first place, the rivalry of the economies. I mean how will the economy of the belligerent countries to mobilize and resist. What we have with this? I mean the real economy, life, practical, where is the steel, raise the grain and doing the right things – and not the virtual, where spinning the parasitic banking sector.
And with the economy, we understand such antiquated date, not so good. Let we even make great weapons – I am not discussing the question as to whether a sufficient quantity and assortment. No one, except the high command doesn’t know that. But let’s say, produce all that is necessary – and in sufficient volumes.
But on what machines, with what tools? And here is nothing hid: mostly all foreign. Because of its own machine tools we are left with just ten per cent. It means enough not to give us something important – and down the drain. And I do not even touch here the conspiracy hypotheses about malicious “bookmark” in the software of our automatic lines.
And because Soviet machine tool industry was the second largest. We have supplied our machines even in Germany – not to mention the countries of “popular democracy” and “third world”. After the victory of our anti-people democracy estate died first. The head of my mother A. Fedotov, engineer, machine tool builders, and worked in factories, and in the Ministry, published not so long ago his “recollections of an eyewitness”. August 1991, democracy has won. Immediately available young boys and began to smash the most complicated CNC machines, automatic lines. Crushing them with a sledgehammer…
Today on the spot, for example, the Moscow plant of automatic lines them. Sergo Ordzhonikidze shopping centre. In place of demolished plant of special alloys “hammer and Sickle” is being built a quarter of a stylish, fashionable designed by foreign architects. Other – in the same spirit.
If this collapse had been organized – the organizer was thinking in vyshey degree promising: production of the means of production – the basis of technical independence of the country. And today, we are perilously dependent on our geopolitical enemy.
Successful war with him and requires a sufficiency of food. I, as a rural commodity producer, whenever I involuntarily wince when I hear talk about the successes of our agriculture. Something is done, but our agriculture is not a standalone. We are almost completely dependent on the seeds of vegetables, agricultural chemistry, veterinary preparations and protein-vitamin additives in animal feed. We have abandoned breeding work. We are proud that we take out the grain – but still imported more food than we take out.
About the fact that still the majority of high school graduates receive unhelpful to the cause of the specialty, and I do not say. So no significant mobilization yet.
So proud of the Patriotic armed forces and military equipment, we should focus on the “rear” of practical work. Without it, all the songs about “a mighty blow little blood” – a cheap and dangerous runs.
Tatiana Voevodina