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Tag Archives: optimism”

The extinction of the Western optimism

The extinction of the Western optimism. El Pais, Spain Date of publication: 01 September 2016, 09:30 Europe and the United States of America stand face to face no external threats, unlike the cold war period. The belief in economic progress was shaken, in connection with immigration escalated fear of loss …

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Russia plunges into a black optimism

The supply of oil on the world market is shrinking and the pace of production slowed down. This is stated in its monthly report the International energy Agency (IEA). According to IEA, the excess of supply over demand will fall to 200 thousand barrels per day in the second half …

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The black tide of optimism

Magical the price of oil and will save the Russian budget and ruble The collapse of talks in Doha in mid-April, has not led to a collapse in oil prices, as a month ago many analysts were expecting. On the contrary, the black gold after a brief slide, went up, …

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The Central Bank has abandoned optimism

Elvira Nabiullina believes in the growth of the economy until 2018. The Central Bank revealed details of a new stressful scenario of economic development, where a barrel of Urals oil will cost $25 for 2016-2018. The parameters of the negative scenario published in the regulator’s report on monetary policy (DCT). …

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HSE: wholesale trade in Russia “loses optimism”

Results of financial-economic activity of the organizations of wholesale trade in the Russian Federation for the IV quarter of 2015 allow to establish the refraction relatively positive industry dynamics, state the experts of the Institute for statistical studies and Economics of knowledge, national research University-Higher school of Economics (HSE) in …

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