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Symptoms indicating cancer of the eyes

Симптомы, сигнализирующие о раке глазDoctors recommend carefully treat their health, because cancer, for example, eyes can occur spontaneously without any reason.

Scientists today are studying the causes of cancer, including cancer of the eye. At the moment they call only the following precursors of this disease:

1. Poor environment in the area where people live.

2. Unlimited stay in the sun without sunglasses.

3. The hereditary factor.

4. Cancer of any body in 3-4 stages, when metastases spread throughout the body.

5. The age group from 60 years.

Cancer most often affects only one eye, but in practice this disease is quite rare and it is diagnosed mainly in elderly people. But this does not mean that at a young age, you can throw your health and not think about the consequences. As before, the physicians are advised to undergo a full examination by specialists at least 1 time per year. Thus a person will have the chance to learn about the disease and to cure it quickly.

What symptoms should prompt you to visit an oncologist with a suspected eye cancer:

1. Pain in the eyes is a reason to worry, because they should not wantonly to hurt.

2. Sharp strabismus. If the person never was cross-eyed and suddenly he chal to mow, then he 100% has a vision impairment, as well as the risk that the doctor will discover he has cancer.

3. A white shroud over his eye suggests that it may develop cancer of the conjunctiva. For this symptom still include spots that are doubled in diameter with a breakneck pace.

4. The bumps and nodules on the skin around the eyes, which are visible to the naked eye and can be felt, as evidence of tumor growth.

5. In children with eye cancer can greatly increase the pupil, and only one eye affected by cancer cells.

Above symptoms — it is extreme “the bells”, which must urge on a man on an urgent examination in any medical facility. As you know, in the case of cancer, early diagnosis increases the patient’s chances of full recovery. It is therefore very important to be screened regularly in order to protect your future from all sorts of diseases that often lead to death.

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