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Strengthens the immune system: wise advice, time-tested

Укрепляем иммунитет: мудрые советы, проверенные временемThat encourages folk medicine to strengthen the immune system.

If systematically and properly to take folk remedy to enhance immunity, the result will not keep itself waiting long. It is important to understand that the immunity is quite a complex multistep mechanism that protects our body from bacterial and viral infections.

Traditional medicine is the guardian of this important quality of an organism to self-preservation and provides recipes to strengthen the immune system as a whole. Because all organic substances which get into our body, perceived by them as alien and foreign are called antigens. Our immune system is always in a hurry to develop antibodies able to neutralize him. While the human immune system clearly knows the antigenic composition of its own tissues and in normal conditions does not start to produce antibodies to these antigens. But, when a failure occurs, this condition is called autoimmune reaction.

To strengthen the immune system, there is a lot of pharmaceutical drugs. But in parallel, and are frequently used folk remedies to enhance immunity. They do not act so quickly, but more gently, permanently and effectively.

Vitamin mix No. 1

Skip through a meat grinder ½ kg of cranberries, 1 Cup shelled walnuts, 4 large green Apple. All mix thoroughly, add ½ Cup of boiled water, ½ kg of sugar, put everything on a slow fire and stirring constantly, bring to a boil. The prepared mixture is put in a clean container with a lid. Taking the drug need 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day, for p 30 minutes before meals. The treatment – at least 3-4 weeks;

Vitamin mix No. 2

Mince ½ kg dried apricots, raisins, prunes and walnuts. All carefully stir, add 1 Cup of liquid honey, stir again, put the potion in a bowl with a lid. Take it 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach;

Vitamin mix No. 3

Mix the juice of 4 lemons with ½ Cup of aloe juice, the same amount of liquid honey, 0.5 kg of crushed walnuts and a glass of vodka. The received mix it is necessary to insist in a dark place during the day and then take a tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Can I take Shilajit with juice of aloe and lemon. 5 g mummy, ½ Cup of aloe juice and juice of 3 medium lemons. All thoroughly mixed and left for days in a dark place. It is important the mixture stirring from time to time. Take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

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